From distant space in between spaces, we watch plotting out the course. The Human Race blind to its fate, asleep controlled beyond the stars.
Through eons old and light years cold, we came with sinister intent. We've guided history for centuries toward the doom of men.
We watch from the quiet spaces between where no mere mortal has ever gone. We watch as we always have; still unseen and we've been here all along. We watch for a moment soon to come. They have no clue as they drift through their days. The Moon is full, the stars are right. We rise from the places where we watch...
In darkened cellars of old buildings and in remote mountain woods exist faint traces of our race; fragments of knowledge no one should
pursue at all. When darkness falls, some half-remember our dark names. Cover of night hides ancient rites. Our moment's drawing near again.
Our names leak from whisp'ring lips all quiv'ring spoken low beneath audible tones. Foul symbols in air shaking hands tracing, memorized from profane tomes. We wait as the ritual's unfolding poised to take our rightful place on top. The stars are right, the chanting's high. We rise from the places where we watch...
World turns through the ages and we watch.
Ancient ones, our time is nigh. We watch.
Don't resist. We're coming through. WE WATCH.
Been watching too many old movies and reading too much Lovecraft, I guess.