And she was a storm, I get it now. She was a thunderstorm. Wild and beautiful Unpredictable You were drawn to her nature. And she was all you could see. And all that you could comprehend. But I was just the wind. I was fleeting You didn't pay attention to me. You just let me blow away. I wasn't beautiful or intriguing. I wasn't there long enough But I understand now. I get it. You didn't want the wind. It was only a small portion of what you wanted You wanted the rain And the thunder Electrifying your lips And Soaking your shirt. You wanted to feel something. And the wind just wasn't enough. I still miss you. But I understand now. And I can live with it now. I can live with your absence. And I know That one day I'll find someone who sees a hurricane in me And they will see everything in me That you saw in her. And now? I am okay. And I am happy. Because I can look forward to the future. And not dwell in the past. I will always love you. But I refuse to dwell on you. I won't. Because I'm more than what you see. I know it. And you will not define who I am. No one will.