Men and women are equal None are *above the other In rights and respect Equal
Men have strength yes Yet it's women who endure
Men and women Both are intelligent As their brains made of the same matter Biologically here equality stands firm
Differences of course are there Yet minuscule Appearances cast aside Onlyfew can be observed
Women and men Both are sensitive and feel Yet where women show it; display Men conceal; pretend not to feel Society kills
In tactics and ideas Is where our message ends For too often it's said to Disregard the thoughts of women Toodumb and feeble minded to be Of Value and interest
Yet where there's Winston Churchill The mastermind of Britain There's also Elizabeth the 1st The queen who beat the Spanish Armada
Hence with logics like this Any notion of ****** inferiority Can be easily dismissed As utterly ridiculous.
A view point I agree strongly upon equality not feminism but the equality of both men and women!