Mom was watching from the window as I Left the safety of my house, and my yard and Started walking to my friend’s house. It was Only two doors away, and she figured even a Four year old could go that far without getting into Trouble. Trouble is, I had to sit down halfway there. Maybe To tie my shoe, maybe to pull on my boot, maybe I was just tired. Trouble is, Grampa Ulrich (Ninety years old, preacher, retired) Chose just that instant to back his car out of his driveway. But I was sitting in his driveway. Mom watched.
I can’t imagine her horror as he backed his car over me. Grampa Ulrich, feeling the proverbial “Bump in the Road” – pulled Forward again. My leg broke in two places. Mom watched. How tall is a four year old? What separates his leg from his life? Mom watched. Who else was watching? Mom died last year. Who is watching me now? Phil Lindsey 7/18/15
Dedicated to Kathleen Driskell, MFA, Louisville, KY. I attended a writing workshop there over the weekend and wrote the majority of this in her session. Thank you Kathleen, for helping me to remember that poems do not have to rhyme. :-)