The stars follow her everywhere she goes When she gets lost, she will let them guide her home.
Thee moon sings her lullaby While she watches it look at the earth With a certain longing Not so very new to her.
And the sun, Well it bleeds for her pain every evening And paints the scarlet love all over the sky
The planets spin Ever so slowly So that she doesn't trip And yet keeps progressing
The galaxies reside in her Demanding her attention To first name each stars that reside within her Then look anywhere else
The light travels Miles and miles Only to land at her feet,
And the wind blows She has heard them sigh Because they are never able To stay still And just have a long look at her
So don't feel bad for her Don't underestimate her power Because she is kind enough For she has got the whole universe with her.
-Aditi Kumari
"Baby, let me be the one to name every star inside your soul" Baby, you can, because they have never shone better than when you were there appreciating their spark :*