My life. Ive been threw A lot. Everyone has their fare share of pain delt to them. Ive been a victim of more than one **** case. I have seen things you should never see. I have watched friend be murdered.. I have watched friends **** them self in front of me. I have lived in hell. With seeing things i wish i never saw. I did start to become suicidal. After a while. I wondered why the had to go but i was still here to live a life i thought i didnt want. I would write, and no one would read them. I felt as if i didnt exsist. I felt invisible. My parents became more distant. I had became very depressed. I had seen a lot of people die. It unfortunate yes. I cried a lot. A lot of tears had fallen. I had been well "messed up". I have gone threw so much pain. I dont know how to deal with it at times. Certain words make me start freaking out. The way someone touches me can make me freak out insanely. I barely trust anyone now. The one person i trusted died june 16th. I had held his wrist until he begged me to let go. So i did. It seems selfish of me to let go of him. But i loved him way to much to see him in so much pain. Now. I still have the one person i'd run to,i'd cry on,i'd go to for everything. But their still sad. And i am trying to be happy. Trying to act like nothing happened. Because thats how i work.. But its hard to act happy. If the one person that means so dearly much to you. Is stuck in sadness. How do you become happy?