Once I loved a man who crushed my words between his fingers. I never told him that I cried for three weeks straight, and that to this day I still can't say his name. It was the first time I truly felt the pain of empty sentences. It was the first time I ever wanted to see my pulse from the inside.
Once I loved a man that chose his ****** over reason. Said the world was too bitter and he was always afraid. I dropped a dime inside his mind, but it only sank the boat. He still sleeps inside my walls. Today I thought I saw his corpse sitting in my bath tub, but I think this time it's just the oxy kicking in. I keep a blood stained shirt inside my pillow case, and I don't know if it's good or bad that the blood isn't mine, or if it's just embarrassing to say I will never stop loving him.
I loved a man that never hurt me, but still I ended up in shards beneath the ocean. He doesn't know about the mess I made upon my sheets, because I couldn't shake the feeling of his footsteps on my veins, and I couldn't bare to lift my head above the water.