Do you remember what it felt like? that first time you felt something. what was it like? before grass was just the potential for stains and a hiding place for bugs that bite and itch long after the day is over. do you remember? the way the air felt rushing through your window the first time you noticed the seasons and chose your favorite. I can’t recall the angst of choosing an outfit or the nuisance of tangled hair and chewing gum. all i remember is the afters- after i fell I had scabs for two weeks after he left, I wasn’t sure where I fit in. After I switched schools, After I learned how to do my makeup After the sessions just… stopped. after they told me I had flat feet after I wasn’t good enough to dance wasn’t fast enough to dive wasn’t keen enough to pitch. after my lines weren’t crisp enough my circles weren’t round enough my words weren’t big enough. wasn’t cheery enough loud enough sweet enough wasn't pretty enough. I don’t remember how it felt when I looked at him the first time or how it felt learning his name his hobbies and his favorite sports team. I hardly remember what it was that made me so happy I just remember holding his hand too much and the sweat that always seeped between our adolescent awkwardness. I remember what it felt like when he took too much though when he was suffering and so was I but helping him was all I knew as a distraction. I remember the strange faces and the late nights and the police wondering what a fourteen year old girl is doing across the bridge at 2am. I remember the drop from my window to the frosty ground i remember the bite when my ankles hit I remember the pang when I slipped. What about sorrow? do you remember what your heartfelt like when it was still light? when all those childish metaphors fit just right and there was no need for anything other than trite rhymes. what was it like when we trusted everyone? when plastic bags were just for snacks and it was never a question where your drink came from. When did my beanie baby turn into a switch blade? I’m carrying around mace like a safety blanket. when was our innocence taken? when did we get so hostile? so sore? so depressed? How long is the list of things we just “live with”? Because it started with your ankles and then it was your shins now your entire lower body is caving in that’s not even mentioning what’s beginning in your head. you used to think everything worked out- at least eventually. But everything is getting worse your parents your brother your country… it’s a divorce from practicality that has spawned this disturbing reality. I would change my mentality but it’s been created to keep me safe. at least that’s what they say and I repeat to myself. because now I remember, i remember the things that keep me away from the bus stop from the gas station from 202 from downtown. I remember what happened up the hill on 35 out past the churches and the sea of dried corn. I remember the sound of the cicaidas and your breath and the sirens I remember you telling me I was a hot mess and I told you i needed to rest when I was really depressed and you never really questioned my sanity the way you should have. I wonder when I’ll decide that I’m not getting by and I'm fooling myself with the lie I've sold to ease the burden on my weary soul. I don’t have a home and yes, I’m alone. But I live with it I live with myself I live with the scabs and the scars and the bites and the scratches with the blurred vision and tired tendons I live with it because what else is there to do? I can’t get through to you and neither of us want me to. copyright:CeM 10-2-14