Eastern towhee flits along garden edge picking here and there its movements assumed to be intentional to casual observers who imagine a search for food or a gathering of sprigs for a nest.
Last night was a mystery; a kiss, then a hug followed by a tirade seemingly without a purpose. Was there intent to hurt, to inflict an invisible **** deep inside her chest?
Cowbirds leave their eggs in towhee nests expecting the towhee to hatch them. The cowbird knows its purpose.
Unlike the bird, he seems unaware that consequences ride on the back of his behaviors like mites cling to a wing.
He wanted to assert himself to make clear his desires. He didn't intend to wound her heart.
*One of my favorite writers, E. F. Schumacher notes why there is often pain and misunderstanding in relationships. "…we tend to see ourselves primarily in the light of our intentions, which are invisible to others, while we see others mainly in the light of their actions, which are visible to us, we have a situation in which misunderstanding . . . is the order of the day."