Imagine it. Darkness absolute Total complete. Then one day a Light was born Spectacular beautiful glorious It shines on everything Revealing all deceptions. The darkness hates it Tries to hide Finally it plots to end the Light. It attacks the light relentlessly viciously savagely It kills the Light and celebrates.
Imagine it The Light’s death Begins a chain reaction. Suddenly other lights begin to shine Small at first Then bigger and bigger. The first Light’s revival begins the revolution It leaves promising to return. Now the new lights plunge into the darkness More lights join For everyone that falls more take its place This goes on for centuries But then disaster.
Imagine it The lights grow complacent They stop seeking striving fighting Instead they grows dim The darkness doesn’t fear them Now it’s the darkness harassing the lights The lights have forgotten to fight back They take it When will the lights take back their place? When will they stand and fight When will they remember it’s all or nothing? The darkness wants them dead When will they be? A light in the dark