It hurts entirely and to be honest, it's difficult. Complaining has been my everyday routine. It isn't nice to feel like a slave everytime you wake up in the morning and be prisoner whenever you close you close your eyes.
Though I admit, there are times I opt to see the darkness, Because in there, there is escape.
A little hope is burried in my stomach I don't know for how much longer will it take for it to finally lose it. But it's there firm and not willing to give up, yet. Because that little hope loves deeply It doesn't want to give up.
Each time I hear those tiny voices from a distance, That hope fights back, it struggles. Because I think that hope knows me better.
It whispers in my prison when a tear escapes my eyes, ItΒ Β tells me to be still while it sings me a lullaby
And when everything inside becomes chaotic That tiny little hope reminds me That the war that I'm into right now, is all worth fighting for.