When I tell a young girl she does not owe you Then is not the time to sling A word of empowerment and equality At me like a slur **** right I am a feminist In the same way I'm a writer And A scientist
Feminist is not an insult It means I fight for equality And ****** autonomy It means that when a girl Finds herself in your pig hands That I want her to know she has the right to refuse you
It means I want my future daughter To grow up "as good as a boy" Without anyone using that phrasing Because it's the twenty first century And it's about time we are equal We've been fighting for this for centuries
When I was young I used to read books About girls who fought along side men DisguisedΒ Β I loved watching them prove themselves equal In cunning and strength And then reveal themselves To have breast and life giving *****
I shouldn't have to be manly To make you respect me I command the same respect in a dress an makeup As you in your suit (Or more accurately basketball shorts) once again it's the twenty first century I don't need to be as strong as you To be as valuable