I was always told to be myself. Was told that people would love me, For who I was Not who I thought I should be
So tell me Why isn't me good enough? Not capable of pleasing people Living up to their expectations.
When people tell me to be myself That from birth I was special I was different I was an individual
How can I be myself When people dont like me..? He's so feminine, hes gay He's so skinny, hes anorexic He's so tall, hes a giant He's so soft, hes a little ***** He's so kind, hes just a tool He's so outspoken, hes an opinionated **** He cant do anything for himself, hes such a child
Why is nothing I ever do good enough for people, My work is returned to me once again for not being up to standard That my own personal expression on a page, my own images inside my head written into text are not up to standard or worthy of someone else.