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Jun 2015
I remain lost as
a bird circling the horizons
nowhere to land on
not knowing where to next
I am the one who has
strayed too far
confounded as a bad rhetoric
like any fool I was misguided
by questions with answers
I refused to believe
fancy struck
by bright city lights
false hopes
the blindness of ambition.

Packed bags, long, lonely halls
at fifth street
new faces, new foot fall traces
I am among those
who scatter everywhere
as wildly as fallen
leaves in autumn
only to die in one place
unheeded in the earth
as a burned picture.

The word home
has eluded my lips
I do not know
what it is anymore.

It had been everywhere
in damp, double bunk beds,
in summer evenings,
greasy diner food,
communal bathrooms,
loud rooftop partiesβ€”
that end not how they started
the recklessness of youth
to the slow waste of age.

Home is everywhere,
I am everywhere.

It had been nowhere
crowded streets
with rushed faces,
nights of killing
spades and aces,
solitary reveries of
drunken strangers,
and in the streets,
the starved, ****** painters.

Home is nowhere,
I am nowhere.

I thought to myself
how home felt like many places
within all sorts of different faces
but it was never with me.
Written by
epictails  Manila
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