Everybody Is broken At least a little bit Since when did brokenness land on a measurement of more, or less? Like, beaten is better than broken, It's better to be battered than shattered
But last I checked broken was a loss of functionality, If you can't do the same things you used to without crying, You're just as broken as the rest of us, If you just don't smile as often as you used to, You're just as broken as the rest of us, If you can't even hold a pencil without your hand shaking, I'm sorry, you're broken, just like the rest of us.
What if I told you that in order to be truly broken you have to accept it, What if I told you that in order to accept brokenness you inherently accept that you were ever whole in the first place and you, were made of pieces. Two halves came together to make you, And no self inflicted bashing, slashing or thrashing will bring you alive again because you were never dead You have so many parts that have lost segments of code You're not broken, you've just altered your directive Because brokenness, assumes that you have a function, And If you can't perform a function anymore, It's okay to find a new one. You're not broken, You're just weathered.