im three years old and i watch the fireflies dance. the reflection of the light sparkles in my eyes, and all that I want is to see them glow.
five years old, and i dance with the fireflies even though my parents tell me not to. jumping, twirling, falling on the sand while the water laps the beach's edge, leaving behind little pieces of seaweed like memories. I believe that if I try hard enough I can glow as bright as them. I know what I want.
10 years old, and i'm trying to catch the fireflies. To hold one in my fist, and have that little light be mine. I know what I want.
23, lying on the beach with a paper and pen. fireflies dance around my head, but they are less of a novelty and more of an annoyance. I swat at them with a furrowed brow and impatient hands. I grab the firefly, and crush it in my hand, watching the light fade out. I do not know what I want.