You arrived suddenly in my tangerine bliss with my heart clinched in your fist you touched me... and the dance started with a gape of spontaneous combustion you swirled me around the dance floor dancing cheek to cheek....
we skipped the light fandango fox trotting and waltzing to the beat of tango the big band broke into a swing while the love light shone as a crystal disco ball jitterbug jive and a reet beet dance macabre and so light on our feet
You lead me by the hand bodies musing all the while... you lead me out by my hand and made way into the galaxy for our feet as we danced like fine wine...becoming intoxicated by its beauty~ you danced me into Shangri-La with my eyes wide and full of imagination we danced through tangled forests of light
like Fred and Ginger tiptoeing upon the backs of stars dipping into galaxies and twirling on quasars i hold your hand as you pirouette upon the moons of a mystic world as our romantic lambada is unfurled forbidden planets and forbidden dance the secrets of whirlwind romance
we were like Phoenix that had risen dancing into the morning dew and nectarine and I kissed you as the tangerines fell from the sky~ dazed with a trial of stars and then oh yes then.... I pronounced myself as we escaped to paradise dancing all the while.....cheek to cheek as you gave me the Tangerine Kiss.....
tangerine kisses, tangerine dreams sipped of the nectar of the gods the fruit of creation in the form of love a blessing from goddess, earth and above we dance the steps of swoon and lean and sweet nuances of tangerine with every blessing in between
I felt a kiss upon my frozen cheeks a clear promise of all our tomorrows as I sleep with love within our hearts your sweet tangerine kisses and dreams are part of our creation... straight from above My heart is dancing and dreaming with you always a blessing from God.
What a joy and what fun to write collabration with awesome poet wolf spirit aka quinfinn