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May 2015
Love bugs smash themselves
against speeding cars in a wild
ecstatic dance
floating, oblivious
through the hot, humid
Florida atmosphere
locked in a passionate
ritual frenzy the sultry red
jewel on their lacy black bodies
glows like neon lamps in the night
"They are so annoying,” my daughter
comments, fanning away a hapless pair that
wandered into our car as we prepared to
drive off
well, I reflected they must
serve some purpose
every year thousands
of love bugs rain down
upon us resembling a
***** black locust plague
they are not destructive
neither do they sting, bite or
cause any really harm
They just want to make love
in the warm, sweet air
I smile to myself
we humans can
learn a lot from
tiny embodiments of
Sonya Ki Tomlinson
Written by
Sonya Ki Tomlinson  Palm Bay, Florida
(Palm Bay, Florida)   
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