He dispossessed me one summer as we sat beneath skies blazed blue with such wonder that it burnt my eyes and I sat and I faltered as those days wore on, this beauty that mocked me because my glory had gone.
I saw blankness instead of the stars of the night for he left me, bereft me, took the colours from the light I was angry, inconsolable, annihilated aspirations of affinity, consciously avoiding living in contempt of infinity.
Those days were sandpaper shards beneath my clothes and I worked hard to make sure that nobody knows those depths that I sank to, the sleepless smoked nights, where I sat and I wondered how to turn off that light.
Life is brittle glass, dazed and ***** stained clothing; there's no meaning or secret or way to be knowing where steps we have not taken will force us to move and sometimes this darkness is our only truth.
But colours crept back despite eyes not meeting mine and unwillingly I resolved to tear down this shrine and I won't lie to you and tell you that each day is joy, simply subtle expansions of life cherished without that boy.
Torrential rains still lash and terrible things still happen and his name I still hear which causes infernal distraction but steadily I am limping my feet away from his lack finding fire in small things to kindle lapsed hope back.
For the wind and the rain bring green grass and seeds and salted solitude brought serenity; refusals to concede and there are new secrets to hold which force me to warm, for hope, heart and happiness return after each storm.
Look up to the treetops and look around to your friends, you stand tall, worthy amongst many great men truth is but perception and so the truth I perceive is there is hope for you, because there was hope for me.
I wrote this for a close friend, but I do not know whether to show it to them.