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May 2015
No one can explain properly how i feel loved by thee.
No one, not even the smartest person, not even me.
You're the rainbow which appears even when the rain hasn't stopped yet.
You're always the umbrella under the rain that keeps me from getting wet.

You look at me like how a child looks at a mountain of candies.
You stare at me like how a painter stares at beautiful sceneries.
You look amazed and dazzled every time.
Your eyes meeting mine.

I don't know how long it's gonna be.
You being truly inlove with me.
But, I want to thank you now,
for even starting to make your vows.

I told you I can't promise you forever.
But I told you we're in this together.
Forever is just a time frame.
What's important is that you came.

I love you, Bud.
I always would.
I'll try to be worthy.
I'll always try and make you happy.
Written by
sweetsillybrat  cebu city
(cebu city)   
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