The old man said to me “Although it may sound strange, Time will have its effect on you And your focus will surely change. Right now getting naked means A shower or some **** fun. But when you get to be older *** is no longer number one.
You see, life has time limits And then, that’s all there is. You start out good at things A sure enough veritable ****. When young we race around And later we have to walk. Early on we are doing things Later, we prefer to sit and talk.
There is less time for us To make sure promises are kept Than the nimble candlesticks That always have to be leapt. There are candles that refuse To stay lit from both ends And far too soon, we find That clocks are not our friends.
So celebrate while you can And sow your own wild oats Because all that is left is stink When you deal with old goats. Having said all that he turned And looked me in the eye. Still when the time comes, you Probably won’t want to say goodbye."