It's not really a long time
to some people,
In perspective,
the length of
the average life,
something like sixty,
seventy years
or in some cases
something like one
hundred and two
give or take a few
some poor *******
live into the hundred
and teens
How unfortunate,
How unlucky,
what sins must you commit
to be trapped here
that long
Living every day
waiting on death
like children wait
for the swing set
It's a long time
to me.
In my perspective
it's not three years,
it's not thirty-six months,
it's not one hundred
fifty-six weeks,
one thousand sixty-
eight days,
twenty-five thousand,
six hundred
thirty-two hours,
one million,
five hundred thirty-
seven thousand,
nine hundred-
twenty minutes.
In my perspective it's,
ninety-two million,
two hundred seventy-
five thousand,
two hundred seconds
of missing your first
not knowing your favorite
not reading you Goodnight
missing your Second,
Fourth birthdays,
not hearing
one hundred
heart beats.
It's pain that scares
the gods,
that demands
and one day
when you read this
Know that I loved you.
Know that I missed you.
Know that once we find
each other again
I hope I'm a lucky *******,
sinless and pure,
that lives to see
one hundred
and twenty,
then we can share our perspectives
on three lost years
NaPoWriMo #8 - No prompt used
A hard write.