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Apr 2015
I yearn night and day
each blood tinged second
for the intravenous
of Your intoxicating Presence

like ripe, ruby grapes crave
to be tread and pressed into
the drunken bliss
of holy wine

Like the cow maiden Radha
and Princess Mirabai
pine for their peacock plumed
Blue Lord’s
rapturous darshan

Like Magdalene’s tears rolling
down her love soaked cheeks
seek only to wash and kiss
gentle Jesus’ celestial
Lotus feet

Like the great scholar Rumi
scouring the desolate streets
of Damascus
searches for even the
faintest echo
ghostly glimpse
of his beloved
God mad vagabond
Shams of Tabriz

Like my breath liberated from this
time bound, earthly form
soars free, unfettered
a shooting star
exploding into the
chaotic brilliance
of Your perfect Love
Your incomprehensible, pristine,
pure, primordial Peace
Sonya Ki Tomlinson
Written by
Sonya Ki Tomlinson  Palm Bay, Florida
(Palm Bay, Florida)   
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