Can't see a thing, in the blackness Of the megabus windows Curled up like a rabbit The woman next to me and I We slumber so hard Dust in my eye I remind myself to be grateful For my life.
Plotting, crafting, contemplating I make long winded videos About mishaps from late nights Trying to nod at the present Forget the past Not chase the future.
Tomorrow A room, hearts, words Eyes, dreams, love This is not last year Lost in Brooklyn until 8am, everyone insecure, trying to release No, I am a different me.
It pains me to hear so little And it pains me to be disciplined But my ladies and I, we paint our dreams into the sky Fearful I am full of horseshit Or people see me as a southern little fool But my crinoline skirt and I, We waltz away.
This isn't for you and it's not for him Or him or him It's for the thrill we feel the first time we see who we have always wanted to see looking back at us in the mirror.
And by that, I mean a daring, unique Fulfilled, ambitious, goddess Me.