A dream is a wish your heart makes Or so they say If I dream of a nightmare, am I wishing for one?
I dreamt of you last night After years of having no thoughts about you In your white polo under your blue cotton sweater and Your glasses that sit perfectly across your nose bridge You are exactly how I remembered you You were taking photos, that was your hobby And I had a camera in my hand We didn't immediately talk but Stolen glances were evidently exchanged Until you went behind me and grabbed my camera and said "Can I take a few pictures?" God, you were so cute How could I say no? "Sure," I said, following you to the tree you were about to shoot You took a few photos and I watched you I watched your familiar grip on the camera And how you squint one eye as you look into the lens How you smile as you look at every shot you take, satisfied with your work I could not believe how familiar you seemed As if we just stopped talking yesterday The next thing I knew You were leaning in to me with the lens pointing at us "Selfie!", you said Ugh that smile! And so we took a selfie And another one and another one and another one You ran across the field with my camera Which I obviously needed, So I ran after you And there we were like two lost sheep who found each other again, Chasing after each other with these huge smiles on our faces And when I finally caught up to you, I hugged you in an attempt to grab my camera back And I felt the familiar shape of your shoulders And how they harden as you tighten your grip around my camera You were laughing And, ugh, that laugh was like... Hearing your favorite song which you've gotten over and being reminded of why you loved it in the first place I laughed along with you And we were lying on the field laughing with cameras in our hands