i have made mistakes— i have strayed from this Path that we all speak of which such uncertainty, i have allowed myself broken words and empty promises and i have been a slave to burdens that are rightfully no one’s
i have done gentle nature a great injustice—
i have taken my time to learn that it is not what happens to us but how we allow it to exist within our lives
i can tell you about grief, the kind of pain that’s missing words love, laughter, and cliches— i can tell you about faith (that’s a tricky one)
i can tell you that we are small and it is not worth the energy is takes to desperately wish the future to turn out how we like or the past to be any different than it already is i can tell you that without this one word with so many definitions present in our lives it is so easy to sit down and watch everything you’re not a part of rush by
i have made mistakes— however, a life of regret seems horribly unsatisfying to me perhaps we sculpt and shape where we can and sit with what we can’t perhaps it is simply about being okay with this unique composition of life that we all hold