According to statistics You spend at least a third of your whole life waiting Waiting for a pail to fill Waiting for your turn in line Waiting for the right time
Well allow me to tell you something Time was but a concept made by humans in an attempt to have a sense of order in their barbaric lives Time is made up which means Time doesn't actually exist And if time was made by humans Then time can be defied by humans
Waiting for the right time? More like wasting your time Stop beating around the bush Stop sugar coating everything Take the moment and make it the right time Take the now and make it your now
Tell that stranger that he looks good today Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers Eat that chocolate lava cake you've been craving for Run that extra mile Tell her you love her Tell her how much she means to you Fight for her
Because even if Time is made up And time doesn't actually exist Your time runs out And sometimes the time we are given on this earth isn't enough We do not control how much time we have on our hands We do not know when the hourglass will run out We do not know when the game is finally over
And some day when you least expect it Time will run out You will run out of seconds, of minutes, of hours and of days To do all the things you want to do To say all the things you want to say To love everything you want to love
And before you know it You'll spend your last few breaths -- Your last few moments of time Full of regret "Why did I wait?"