Honestly I believe that I know what hell would be like A place of slumbering demons Some place that is practically empty I bet most people would consider hell to be a place like the DMV A long line waiting for everyone to come Because eventually everyone has to come here Everyone has something that holds them down Something that constantly burns at the back of their mind They see this as a melting *** A steamy place of red hot flames and pointy rock for them to be impaled on But I believe that Hell is more like the place that we are currently at Is not one of hot flames and pointy rock, but the land we already embrace It is one where people are already impaled But not by demons necessarily Maybe this is all a delusion that we live in The devil already sent us to hell, but made it look like life That really when you are looking you are truly blinded to your own reality Because if you could see the evil that was going on you would already know That possibly there are no people and more likely no angels The truth is that you are one of those demons You are one of those things Thinking you could never be something like that But in reality you are just that Does that mean there are not lesser demons No There are worse terrors than yourself But when you think back of how much more you could have done How many were in pain Maybe Unconsciously. Maybe unknowingly. You ignored them Just know that not trying Can be as bad as doing.
Just a thought about life and how honestly anyone is more like a demon, in how most are simply ignoring everyone else and only doing things for themselves.