Let me breathe you in Take a deep inhale rolling back my shoulders And get your hair in my nose Get every inch of you inside of me Because I never want to forget you And seeing you tomorrow will not be the same as loving you today So let me breathe you in Let me swallow you Take a big gulp of your lips Send your fingers down the wrong tube on purpose Taste all of your juices Because I need to know that you haven't changed That the you you were last time we were here is the you you are this time So let me swallow you Let me paint you With a brush the size of a fountain pin So I can get every detail right While I'm painting your thoughts Because I can't imagine you any different With hopes and dreams that still get painted green on canvas, red on paper, orange on bibles So let me paint you Let me remember you Never forget your shoe collection Your backpacks or your hair ties Finding you in every lobe my brain has Because I can't imagine a thought without you Without the glow of kids in castles in your smile and the warmth of Kansas City in your arms So let me remember you
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe http://goo.gl/5x3Tae