So apparently I'm a troll. Funny, most joke I look elvish. I think 5'6 is too tall to be a troll, I could be mistaken though, Afterall I've never had the displeasure of meeting one in person.
So apparently I'm a troll, not sure why. I think it has to do with some stuck up guy. Can't we all just get along? I just want to write and not be accused of things that I'm not. I think I'm done here, hope it's not too long. I end with a sigh, because I'm tired of this already.
You heard of Love Craft? No? Well, 1) they're spamming, 2) they're attacking non trolls and 3) they are starting to come up with ******* reasons (like having 'too many' followers) to call people trolls. I'm just sick of them. It's fine to make posts venting/warning about trolls, but I think they're taking it too far. No, I don't support the real trolls either, I've had my share of complications with Carvo and Dov.
Do you guys think I'm a troll?
**Alright, now he's attacking Ember Evanescent because she defended me. He's officially ****** me off beyond belief now. What the **** man? She's wonderful, don't take your **** with me out on other people!! Yeah, people, BECAUSE WE'RE PEOPLE NOT TROLLS!!!! LEAVE EMBER THE **** ALONE!! I feel sick.
****He appears to have found some reason. Thank you, LoveCraft, sorry you feel offended by me. I'm glad you appear to be leaving the non-trolls alone now. - - -