I think I doubt myself too much Or is it just a lack of faith in my heart I think my mind won't let me be
I think it might be that I'm lazy Or is it just an excuse I think I keep allowing myself to get away with metacognitive ******
I think that I am strong Or is naïveté catching up to me again I think I am wrong on this
I think I need to slow down Or am I just listening to people who can't catch up I think I'm not fast enough
I think I believe in karma Or do I just desire that the universe has a balance system I think, logically, I just brought this upon myself
I think and act strategically Or I don't and I move instinctively I think I think too much
The truth is I keep lying to myself The truth is I want to think I doubt myself The truth is I hope I'm more than just this The truth is I'd like to be on top The truth is I think I might need external validation The truth is I can't stop The truth is I'm only human, no better or worse than anyone else The truth is so are you The truth is I'm not a runner but I keep sprinting away The truth is gonna catch up to me