With the Season So Gay, only Days Away, Just the smile of a friend would do. But to someone, who searched for a smile a while It seems these days that true Friends are few.
The Bankers are Busy Compounding with intrest And Bakers So Busy with Fudge and Sugar cookies The stores are mobbed by Shoppers who feel Robbed If they miss the Black Friday Deal for a big screen TV
But to Some's wish for a touch of a friend, there is none In the Hustle and Bustel brought on by this season Amidst all the glee and Well trimmed Lighted trees, Lone Souls search for a spot of love they will never see
Their cards go unanswered and gifts are untouched No Music of laughter this Holiday Comes No Wish for the Hottest thing, just the touch of a friend Is on their wish list, but not under the tree in the End Because there's no way to present, all that's meant When the wish Due is the simple touch of a friend Though this wish is small, Merry Christmas to All...JMF 12/20/14