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Dear Alexander, this isn't another "Dear John" letter! : )
This is my letter to a very sweet guy who is my friend.
You are still my trusted confidant after all these years.
I share with you all the things I never share with most.

Each day I wake and begin my day with positive attitude.
Meditating under darkened skies before light kisses earth.
Feeling cleansed and well rested after meditation session.
Hoping that thing in my tree isn't the Devil from Jersey.

Yes, that large, dark, silent and winged figure visits still.
When I caught sight of him, I actually pinched myself.  
Closed my eyes and he was still there; maybe it's lonely.
Trying to find humor, this isn't covered by animal control.

Sealed with a big hug,

Sitting in your chair by fire's light reading poems you wrote.
Your words sparked memories of unforgettable shared times.
I was taken back to the night you sat near the warm hearth...
in diaphanous gown.....writing on delicate parchment paper.

My mind captured that lovely vision of you lit by fire's light.
I was always envious of that secret journal you were keeping.
I wanted to violate your privacy & read your secret thoughts.
Never did & never would....I have your journal in safe place.

Found humor in your poem.....wasn't intended to be flippant.
I found the sheer genius of your words my gorgeous love.
Your words never fail to weave amazingly crafted.....
heart felt & thought provoking stanza in the key of life.

I love you Pet & I'm deeply flattered you wrote a poem to me Betty Ponder
 Mar 2014 Platoon boy
Matt Morgan
I'm keeping my word.
Did not post this on Valentine's Day.
If I could find a card that sums up my feelings,
I'd buy it and one for each year I've known you.
Never thought my cold heart could change.
Happened when I met wonderful you.
I had closed my heart and given up on love.
You know my story, no need to post the whys.
Seeing your picture in the paper years age
compelled me to go to see that play.,
You were dancing and singing your heart out.
You were the short one with gorgeous face
dancing harder than any at front row center.  
I sat in my seat and could not look away.
After show mingle found you
felt sad when I lost sight of you.
Bought tickets for every night of the show
just to hear you and see you again.    
Destiny made your friend Jana my neighbor.
Day we met I was tongued tied, you knew it.
Thankful you weren't shy.
You asked me to meet you for a walk.
Place has changed but it's still there.
The day we walked and talked was the day
heart melted and you blew me away.
I visit all the places we shared time together.
The night we went to P. Reef lounge
and danced until last call still felt surreal.
Neither one of us had been drinking.
That night I knew I'd fallen head over
heels in love with you Betty Ponder.
I still am.
No pressure BUT
Hoping you accept my invite
to meet me you know where.
No ring in pocket this time.
I do so swear and promise. : )
I think I'm YY's 4 U
I know we R not meant 2 B.
U asked me,
"Y, Y, Y  U don't love me?"
I asked U,
"Y do U text & call 24/7?"
I need space.
I want 2 sit on the beach alone.
I want 2 walk alone.
I want 2 go dancing with other men.
I don't want U n my face 24/7.
Breaking up is hard 2 do 4 U.
Breaking up isn't hard 2 do 4 me.
Phone rings.
I.C. caller I.D.
No surprise! It's U!
I don't answer.
Changing digits?
EZ on both of us.
If U C me,
walk by like U don't know me.
U go 2 Europe
I stay home.
U meet a new love?
Good for you!
EZ 4 me 2 meet a new love
if U R happy with her.
I meet a new love?
very easy 4 me.
EZ 4 me & all like me
because we R women. : )
 Mar 2014 Platoon boy
We don't see eye to eye much.
You got plenty of opinions.
You frustrate the hell out of me.
You tell me truth I don't like.
You feisty and you tell it like it is.
For the hell of it I like to tease you.
I want to spank your *** sometimes.
Not a brutal beating but a tap or two.
I do that I know I get my *** beat
by bro Swain and company.
Debating with you gets me going.
You **** me off when you right.
Admitting I like it when you right.
I can't get mad at you or stay mad
because you adorable like a kitten.
I feel cared about when you set me straight.
Betty Ponder you are like that last piece of
delicious pie my mom said I can't have when
I was a kid.
 Mar 2014 Platoon boy
To the lady who thinks she's part fish or something.*
Yes I'm a rude *** ******* when I want to be.  
Is there truth in handles?
My handle is a play on my name AND I admit,
one of my all time favorite activities.
Why hit follow the Schmucker?
Not exactly seeking anyone lonely lady.
You spending hours mass producing poems
screams and shouts no life to me.
I go for women who have actually real lives.
Maybe you are a sea nymph luring men to death.
Hey maybe you sing seductively and you charming.
Maybe you a music instrument making notes and
maybe you full of steam.
Hell maybe you a eel type salamander with
permanent gills and no hind legs.
Seen a pic and a SMOKIN' anything?
Hell to the no! You not to me!
 Mar 2014 Platoon boy
y i k e s
First off, we need to become friends and date first but..

Hold hands in public and pow through the hallways
Meet each other at our lockers after class
Walk to school together in the chilly mornings, sharing coffee
Make out to Arctic Monkeys
Make out to Cold War Kids
Make out to Gorillaz
Make out to Arctic Monkeys again
Make out to good music
Make out to bad music, why not?
Go to a concert together
Go to Warped Tour together and laugh at everyone
Go to one of those underground shows you talked about
Cuddle and watch old cartoons
Hang out in a park after dark
Get high
Get high and make out
Share a cigarette in the sunset
Draw weird things together
Take a walk on the beach during a chilly night
Go to one of the radio's block parties together
Get front row at a concert and hear complaints about how tall you are
See Gorillaz when they come back (if they do)
Take a bubble bath together
Tell stories about all the trouble we(lets be real, you) have gotten into
Have dinner with your parent(s) and my parents
Swing on the swings at night
Hang out with my friends some day
Hang out with your friends some day
Combine our friend groups!
Talk about books
Spend a day in bed and cuddle together
Cuddle while we're high
Fall asleep together
Wake up in each other's arms
Get McDonalds at 3am one day
Hang out with my best friend's family
Annoy my best friend's little sister
Annoy your friends
Annoy my friends
Annoy your brother
Annoy my sister
Annoy the teacher together in class
Hell, annoy everyone!
Pick me up so I feel tall
Hug a whole lot
Make out some more
Cuddle a lot more
Create things together
Write a book of ideas you come up with you're intoxicated
Hang out with my sister and her boyfriend
Get high and talk about the future
Fall in love
Spend infinity and some more together
Get cute coffins so we can cuddle together in the dead
I think about you at day break & as the sun sets.
When I should be sleeping............I think of you.
I'd love to share my life with you again.
A few of a zillion reasons....I love you as I do.
First and are easy to love.
Would not love you if you were full of yourself.
We can talk all night & I'm never bored.
Love your comfort level in new situations.
You ooze genuine confidence Pet!
I can guarantee I'd walk away if.....
you turned gossipy busy body &
worried about what Jane Doe was doing.
Love how you keep focus on your own life &
could care less what people say about you.
You live in positive mode 24/7.  
You face your problems and fears head on.
You never deliberately try to inflict pain.
You don’t spend time with people who
**** the positive energy out you.
You got looks, brains, personality &
many talents....
You're unique & special
Betty Ponder!
Asked myself a zillion times...Why you?
I always receive the same reply.
Found in you what I was missing...
in what I thought was a full life.
From the moment I looked deeply..
within your beautiful brown eyes.
I knew love....
From the moment I heard you
say, "Hello there! Are you following me?"
You captured my heart and soul...
hook, line and sinker.
I saw a genuine class act with a very nice caboose.
You were worth the risk of threats of beat down
by chivalrous sailors and suits.
Thank you for telling them I was no threat to you!
You were gorgeous with truck walk...
How could I not follow you Nubian Goddess?
How could I resist irresistible you?
You make me feel like I can soar high...
You make me feel as if I can move mountains.
You are the reason I want to breath...
My eyes find pleasure seeing you.
My ears hear only your **** voice.
My hands enjoy the softness of your skin.  
My nose loves your body's scent.
My body finds endless ******* pleasure...
in the heat and passion of yours.
You stimulate every part of me...
my mind, my body, my heart and soul.
Betty only love....
You are the wish my heart made.....
you are all I could ever hope for.
Release your full passion upon me ma sorciere bel ete.
Embrace me & hold me in your woman hood forever...
Never set me free.
Only you are yin for my yang....we are moon & sun.
We were never two ships that passed in the night..
You are my everything.
Release your heat and lust upon me ma sorciere bel ete.
My hearts dreams come true...was & is you.
I am forever lost in you.
Bind my heart to yours with invisible chains de l'amour.
I am your willing captive love......I never sought freedom.
Betty Ponder...Je t'appartiens pour toujours!
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