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No matter how much you watch
Stay alive

No matter how hard life is
Stay alive

No matter how easy it looks
Stay alive

No matter how much it hurts
Stay alive

No matter how much you cry
Stay alive

No matter what happens
Stay alive
Because if you don't
You'll leave your love ones wondering
"What did I do wrong?''
I admire from afar
Yet you never notice me
I pray someday you do

I want to confess my feelings
But you might not care
I hope someday I can

You are my crush
But instead of confessing to you
I crush my feelings

So everything I see you
I can't bring my self to confess to you
He doesn't burn photographs
He doesn't join therapy sessions
He doesn't smoke too many cigarettes
Nor he drown himself into alcohol
He scratches his wounds daily
And never let them heal
He doesn't try to get rid of the pain
Instead he let it grow on him
He waters the seed of sorrow with his tears
He feeds it with the manure of old memories
He takes it to sleep with him
And nurtures it in himself
Till the moment when every single drop of his blood gets replaced by this pain
Until his fragile heart can bear no more
And his soul starts overflowing with emotions
That's when he dip his pen into this pain
And empty his heart on a piece of paper
He bares his soul for us to feel
He creates poetry that the world would cherish for centuries to come
That's how true poetry comes into existence
Kiss me in the darkness.
Touch me how you want to!

Let the feeling take you,
to places you've never been to.

There is truth in the darkness,
for our souls will find the light,
the light in each other
which brings such delight.

So Kiss me in the darkness,
Let our souls fly to the sun.

Stay with me past the morning,
For our love has just begun.
When a night of passion turns into something
unexpected, into something so much more!
If I  say, " I love you",
will you give me your heart?
I cannot bring you ,
the Sun, the  Moon and the Stars.
I have no superpowers .
I am only a human being,
madly in love with you.
Will you be my companion for life
If I  promise to always stand by you,
no matter what?
Will you love me as I do,
till death do us part ?
I often look across my skin
for a cut or bruise,
a scratch paper thin,
just for a glimpse,
of the pain within.

Everyone's scars seem laid bare,
others helping them with care,
the pain I feel
seems all but real,
cause no one reaches,
no one tries,
to see the hurt
behind my eyes.
I always feel like my internal turmoil is just my delusions,
and that I'm just fine and I'm only acting stupid.. I tried so ******* this poem T.T Also give me tag ideas, im still pretty new here idk what to put...

Edit: *** how did this go viral I’m so happy :D
They say time heal all wounds
And though that may be true
For the majority of scenarios
It’s not an irrefutable fact

For our childhood scratches
May be a fleeting kind of pain
Yet there are some scars that life
Engraves deep within our soul

Like a bullet whose trajectory
Missed my heart by a few inches
But hit a far more damaging target
My very last bit of innocence

Now, when I look into the mirror
Every broken bone lost its meaning
And the echoes of who I once was
Are all that remains to be seen
This is a poem my friend Mariya wanted to have written, but couldn't do it 'cause she's too busy saving the world.
Cascading into a dreamless sleep,
I notice that the embers of fire
flickering by the fireplace
are fading away like memories.
Like memories that nurture the soul and
yet at the same time destroy the heart.
Blurred visions from another lifetime shut out my silent whispers.
Silent whispers for mercy, for cruelty, and for love.
I think about you even when I am in deep slumber,
Remembering your eyes that held me prisoner with a single glance.
Cascading into a dreamless sleep,
I can only wish that tomorrow I wake up from this torturing dream to you holding me in your arms.
I think of you all the time.
I want to be with you all the time.
I dream of you all the time.
Dream a little dream of me.......
My skin bleeds in anguish,
I do not understand my eyes.
My lips are charred,
My legs are aching.
Perhaps because for a long time they have been carrying the burdens of beauty.
I feel ugly to my core,
It's a truth I have accepted.
I see pretty girls in glamorous fashion,
I look down at my worn shoes and jacket.
I don't like my body.
Perhaps we can exchange our mortal trappings.
Then I could be the beauty with a brain,
And I won't have to compensate
For the ugliness running in my blood veins.
My hands are trembling,
I dislike my ****** structure .
Nobody could love my body, they could perhaps love my soul.
It's a compensation that I always pay.
For If I am ugly and mean,
I think I will be a bigger loser.
Somewhere I have to win.
Pride is a false illusion that I feel for my medals and trophies.
Nothing matters because
My body cannot be loved in this lifetime.
Perhaps they could love my soul.

— The End —