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 Aug 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
and still I chase
the man with no face
and when his name changes
I don't change my pace

I only feel safe
with someone who craves space
and no matter what changes
it is the same chase
 Aug 2022 Påłpëbŕå
 Aug 2022 Påłpëbŕå

From first Hii ,
To waiting for your reply .
The bond which has developed,
is enough to fit in the envelope.

From long lasting talks to,
a great person be known to,
It's the time which nurtures the memories,
who knows we have nothing in the galleries.

Many may come and go,
But few remains forever from ago.
And those footprints of yours and mine
Can’t washed away by time.

A beautiful heart of yours ,
Hard to find flaws .
Be the same in life always,
If we ever meet after in the midways .
This is for all those who found their special ones
on a random website/app.
 Aug 2022 Påłpëbŕå
towards paradise

fingertips streaming
spirals of howling light

beyond the speed of ecstasy
flying blind

knowing unseen
the unbroken strand
that binds two
through boundless halls
of celestial wonder

skimming across astral seas
split the surface
peel back the facade
plunge beyond the deep

spread your wings
for me

envelope me

ride the cresting wave
rushing inside of you
through my tantric eye

we coruscate
and transmute
constantly becoming

infinitely and intricately

Singularity - A thing forming a complex whole
 Aug 2022 Påłpëbŕå
 Aug 2022 Påłpëbŕå
How to become a poet:
Let someone rip your soul apart.
And in the need of mending ,
You will replace it with words.
 Aug 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
we see the hand
that wrote our pattern in the sand

no face
but within all faces

no place
but within all places

do you dream?
are you our friend?
do you tell spacetime how to bend?

I want to understand
but I have never seen beyond the sand
 Aug 2022 Påłpëbŕå
It all repeats
The same pain
Cutting to the bone
Sinking hooks
The same people
Holding blades
Holding on while you fall
To your knees
Draining your blood
And drinking deeply
Till the next victim
Let's down their guard.
 Jul 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Renée C
the fire in me
has dimmed
by fear
and heartache

the sparks of optimism and joy
drifting in the night
waiting for fuel
to burn fiercely again
 Jul 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Is pain considered a drug when you keep coming back for it? For more?
 Jul 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
compared to the past
it all seems so tame
now I can see the path
and the monsters have names

I looked fear in the eye
and I walked away
I have seen darker days
why should I be afraid?

I felt like I was drowning
a well in my head
something wanted me dead
and I said
not today

though sometimes I still say
I can't cope anymore
I have been there before
there is always a way
 Jul 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Decoding Her Reply

I text her, “I Love You, Missy.
Do you love me too?”
She replies,
“In a particular language,
I want you dead is coded as wv bl dy rr
My love is eternal is coded as vg rh ol nb
You are very sweet is coded as hd ev zi bl
I hate you stupid is coded as hg bl sy rr
She pauses, as if for an eternity, before continuing,
“In that language, my answer is,
gl bl ol rr
You decode it, lover boy.”

Now what does she mean???
My HP Poem #1952
©Atul Kaushal
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