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 Aug 2020 rae
 Aug 2020 rae
Hello,  I am a puddle person.
I'm certainly not the only puddle person, of course.
And I often think I'm more puddle then person.

I lay on the floor still.
People come by and see themselves reflected in me.
Sometimes they step in me,  and drops of me splish around and evaporate.

I'm content being a puddle it's, comfortable.
People are aware of me whether looking at themselves, tip toeing around me or jumping in.

I am NOT invisible.

Love me or hate me this puddle person isn't going anywhere,
until I become more puddle then person.
 Aug 2020 rae
Anais Vionet
(3 Senryus)

No - don’t kiss me
unless you're planning to
start a new habit.

Don't borrow kisses
unless you can return them
with real interest.

Remember boy-O
it's all fun and games 'til
someone falls in love.
three haikus - about kisses borrowed - not stolen  =]
 Aug 2020 rae
Rameen Aslam
I had too much to say yet too little I could comprehend
Had my hands swinging in the air but tied with metal cuffs and restraints
Apparently I sang out loud , the world could hear my melodious voice
They only heard it masked over, it was indeed my loudest cry.
 Aug 2020 rae
 Aug 2020 rae
Why do I feel so alone?
Why do I keep pushing away people?
I feel like I'm in an ocean drowning on my own
I feel like everything's going to crumble

Probably its my own fault
for building an iron wall encasing my soul
Is it dumb of me to think
That someone will destroy it in a blink

I realized it too late
I realized it too slow
now I feel alone because of my mistake
I feel like there's nowhere left for me to go

— The End —