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Jan 19 · 227
Lucia- Jan 19
How can I miss what I never held,
A voice unheard, a face unspelled?
Yet here I am, adrift, alone,
Yearning for someone i've never physically known.

No touch, no words, no fleeting glance,
No thread of fate, no twist of chance.
And yet you live within my chest,
A stranger known, a soul confessed.

I’ve traced your outline in my head,
In shadows vast, in stars up ahead.
Each spark a thread that pulls me near
To something missed, yet never here.

Oh, saudade, bittersweet refrain,
You carve my heart, yet ease the pain.
For even in your shapeless void,
A hope persists, a dream employed.

So, to the you I might never see,
A part of me still sets you free.
To live, to love, to softly be,
The missing half of all I need.
saudade is pronounced ("sawˈdadʒi") (=saoudadjee for english speakers)
it is a portuguese word that doesn't have a translation.. it's like a strong nostalgic feeling to something.. kind of hard to understand.
In that case, it's about missing/craving someone's physical touch without ever have met them.
Jan 19 · 262
I miss
Lucia- Jan 19
I miss the way we used to talk and the way I'd make you laugh,
I miss the way you'd let me cry, and the way you knew what to say.
I miss the way we fought for our friendship, confident that it'll forever stay.

I miss the promises of tomorrow, the plans we'll never see.
I miss forgiveness and forgetting sorrow,
and those times out by the beach.

I miss the early mornings, tie dying shirts,
complaining about our friends and goofing off after,

******* about our exes,
Everyone joking that we're dating.

Online get togethers,
But now, those memories are fading.

I miss texting all night,

Supporting each other's dreams no matter how absurd,
Breaking down when life got too heavy but finding comfort in each other's words.

I miss the confidence you gave me, the home i left my heart,
The things we'd only tell each other when our worlds were falling apart.

While it may all be different now,
Like we're no longer looking at the same sun,
Time graced us with lessons in helping us find out who we'll soon become.

But I still miss the call therapy sessions,
The walks out by your house,
The poems you'd let me read and the ones i write about you now.

Watching you fall in and out of love,
guiding you along the way,
Watching you lose it all,
and take your own life away.

God, I wish it was you he saved.
I wished you could come back, that I craved.

Then I realized it all didn't matter
You did what you did because you thought you'd be better of after.

But there, you left me.
You left questions,
You left memories..
And now, all I am left willing to do,
Is missing you.
imu man

— The End —