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 Jan 2015 R
Robert Blankenship
From out of the ashes of the old
A new year has arrived
Out of the many downs and lows
By grace we have survived

This day begins the start
Of a slate that is brand new
A chance to strive for what is right
A chance to renew

A time to let others know
That by you they are loved
A time to forgive a wrong
A new hope for peace and love

Out of the ashes of the old
We have been given another year
Go forth in faith and courage
Leave behind all doubt and fear .
 Jan 2015 R
Gaby Comprés
i wonder.
 Jan 2015 R
Gaby Comprés
sometimes on bright days
when i can't stop smiling,
when i look up at the sky
with a sparkle in my eyes
i can hear your voice
and i feel the scars you
left on my heart
and i wonder if the sun
is shining for you too
i wonder if the same hope
that is nestled in my heart
lives in yours too
and sometimes i wonder
if the last words
i said to you visit you
at night just like the pain
you gave me sometimes does
but mostly i wonder
if you're happy
i wonder if you have love
i wonder if the memories
of the short amount of bliss
that we had make you smile
i wonder if you're okay
and honestly, i
hope you are.
This was written for my first mentor, who unexpectedly stopped talking to me one day. It is a poem about hope and forgiveness.
 Aug 2014 R
Blue Eyes
 Aug 2014 R
There is so much pain
Hidden beneath those blue eyes
I wish I could take it all away
Yes, even your inner cries

I apologize for the bad day
I feel like I am to blame
Even though I know I'm not
And I know it will not be the same

Your blue eyes like the ocean's depth
Beckons my own blue ones
I can see the reflection of stars in them
One day the pain inside them will be gone

I would take your pain away if I could
Just to see you happy again
Mending those broken wings
With a gentle summer rain

Dedicated to my Dad, Timothy!!! ~~~~<3
He lost a few of his poems today
And seems somewhat despondent
So, I am making a special effort
To cheer him up!!! ~~~<3
I hope he likes this once he sees it!! ~~~<3
Enjoy!!! ~~~~<3
 Aug 2014 R
Gaby Comprés
dry bones.
 Aug 2014 R
Gaby Comprés
You come
to this broken heart,
this dry desert of a soul,
this broken and empty vessel,
and You come,
You come like rain,
a hurricane,
storming into this soul,
dancing your way in,
and You bring rays of light
and streams of joy,
and You shine through the
You make me alive,
You make glory out of nothing,
You build a home out of these ruins,
You make beauty out of brokenness,
You make these dry bones live.
 Aug 2014 R
eunsung aka Silas
the yellow glow of the rising sun
gives me the gift of renewed hope
and gratitude for my breath and life
Thank you.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
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