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3.9k · Feb 2014
Thoughts of a Lonely Man
its me Feb 2014
I often sit staring off into a nonexistent distance enjoying my self. I am alone in this place...I've become lost in my own solitude.

Silence is peaceful. Yet I am not at peace I seek the loving embrace of another lost soul like me no...I don't deserve love. I've held love in my hand once before but it turned it's back on me.

I spend sleepless nights staring into this void of solitude seeing my own reflection....I see cold dead eyes desperate for love desperate for a friend desperate for someone to listen!

Mostly I see a man
I am alone.
The first poem I've written.
2.9k · Apr 2014
5 elements
its me Apr 2014
None of the five elements remain dominant for long; none of the four seasons lasts indefinitely; the sun rises and sets; the moon waxes and wanes.
-Sun Tzu
1.6k · Jul 2014
its me Jul 2014
Insanity is the first step to greatness.
1.3k · Feb 2015
Oh father, I have returned.
its me Feb 2015
I am the prodigal son! He who was lost in the spiteful world of literature. I the prodigal son who stands firm with Aergia as my left hand and Algea as my right. I the prodigal son who stands tall with Baudelaire as my back bone for melancholy and misery have become my mistresses. I the prodigal son have returned, oh father forgive me and turn away in horror for I am your son no longer.
1.1k · Jul 2014
I Haven't Lived In Years.
its me Jul 2014
The dead do not speak yet here we stand spitting out dull and empty words to dull heads and empty hearts. I refuse to call this monotonous pattern living. Look around and see all the dead walking among you.
Waiting for life to start
1.1k · Jun 2014
The Heart Of A Pessimist
its me Jun 2014
Loving none and hating all.
The heart of the pessimist belongs to all who have carried the colossal weight of being alone.
Those who've spent there lives reaching for the stars only to realize that the stars they so desperately wanted are far out of reach.
hating all and loving none*

The heart of the pessimist
Lived alone and died alone.
984 · Apr 2017
Hollow Heart
its me Apr 2017
Oh enter me fearless lover!! Enter me as a corpse would a tomb! Wither and wilt to dust as those before you have done! Take upon my fate and if you should fail perhaps I'll join you in that flesh casket and we'll sail it across river Styx! For you too are ******…are you not?
831 · Aug 2014
All Fear Perfection!
its me Aug 2014
Perfection is boring I prefer a crooked smile to a plastic one. If perfection is in sight change course immediately or fall victim to purity!
791 · Jul 2014
Standing Mute Beside God
its me Jul 2014
What words will you find when you greet our pitiless god holding the Ashes of our once glorious world.
684 · Feb 2014
Eyes of Grey
its me Feb 2014
Look into my eyes and you'll find a cold look of someone who is sad. These are the eyes of a man who lives in a world of grey.

These dead eyes watch as the world turns and I stay the same. Nothing changes only the way we perceive things do.

These eyes burn at the sight of ignorance. But some break the patterns of this cold bleak world. Some decide to change this world.

So perhaps all is not lost.
Perhaps there is still some color in the world.

375 · Nov 2020
Self / Loss
its me Nov 2020
Heavy grief strikes and bears a Soul found stagnant, starving, and stiff. If imbued with form a reflection of rotted wood would fill your eyes to their edges. Search for meaning in the murk swallow an ocean of tears if you must. It’s simple to hallow yourself void of feeling although to be better than the days passed is nearly insurmountable, yet on the morning that you passed I swore myself to my own betterment. I will plant myself firm as you had many times. In honor of you I will live.
359 · Mar 2018
its me Mar 2018
Obismal depths of dark matter swirling endlessly, heavy and cold. Great chasms between us bottomless and deep. Lose yourself, unravel, become whole. Ageless and undying shed your purposeless skin become new. Hateful now, a grimace moves in replacing loving gleams. Last tears fall search yourself, reflect, and learn.

— The End —