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787 · Mar 2015
olivia xo Mar 2015
I have looked upon sainted kings,
Daring to look them in the eye,
Like I was their equal.
I have watched God cast Satan out of heaven,
The archangels chased him down,
And I was not unhinged.
I have watched Juliet pierce her heart,
Over her dead Romeo,
And only tears for dear old love were shed.
I have seen beauty, I have seen repulsion.
Blood spattered across palace floors,
Watched the ones I love stride away from me.
I have seen lies that have unravelled,
Like some Jacobean tragedy.
Not once have I cowered in the corner,
Or averted my eyes.
He says “Diamond, don’t be cut by your own dust”
As he throws her against the wall.
I’ve seen it all.
I’ve seen dead poets, half-starved and decaying,
Defeated by their own passion,
And I whispered “Misery’s your nom-de-plume” into the silence.
He hung off the bed, almost celestial,
Until you looked at his mouth (In case you were wondering:
Kissed too much by those who didn’t fuel the fire)
But I wasn’t frightened.
Grown men have threatened me with eyes like daggers,
Invisible fingers on my throat.
I’ve seen sticks and stones, breaking bones, and names that definitely hurt you.
But I’ve worn the experience on my sleeve,
I’ve never let it weaken me.
I’ve held shattered hearts in my hands as I try to fix them.
I’ve reached out to find my lover’s outline has gone cold.
I’ve seen Death, standing in the shadows, surveying the mess he left.
I’ve seen flame-haired girls, poised perfectly, but with paused tears,
Threatening to pour forth,
Because he’s in love with the idea of the muse rather than the muse herself.
I’ve seen obsession,
Oh, god, I’ve felt it. Clutching desperately onto his leg,
Dragging herself through the blood and guts of the earth.
I’ve watched boys carve “Lacrymosa” into broken skin,
Either their own or somebody else’s.
I’ve seen the fall of Man, the mouth of hell.
I’ve snapped out of hypnosis caused by ***** eyes.
I’ve seen the name of God drive lovers apart.
Bigoted, acid-flecked spit.
I’ve seen war.
I’ve seen peace.
You see, I’ve lived a life,
And I’ve been bruised before.

But I can’t even look at my own reflection,
Without cursing to some Almighty.
I can’t even stutter some words out,
That could bring me all I need.
Introspection….like a hole in the ******* head.
And yet, they come alive at night,
Telling me to reach out across the great divide,
***** my courage to the sticking place.
“And pray tell, Olivia, what are you so afraid of?”
Fear of the unknown.
Caution doesn’t crack hearts.
And progress report: Parasitical ugliness (please stop living on me),
That drives them away, besides.
olivia xo Mar 2015
Each flaming curl winks life at me, as they dangle and flicker,
Their owner, like sleeping serenity, defies the reality.
Icy cold, to the touch, to the eye but there is a stillness that haunts me,
A divine silence as if I have peered into the casket of an angel.
I am a stranger here and yet I am drawn to the dainty hands, ink-stained,
And so capable of trembling. A ring on his finger speaks not of unions and
Bonds of love but of his unsatisfied defiance.
His skin reminds me of a river, in its sparkling green shadows.
Pale lips, so articulately formed, decaying as if they have remained unkissed.
So thin is he, but in some elfin way; he could grow wings any moment and take me
To the fae. No one would know that he dined on unhappiness and little else.
This is still-life. The world around him is slow but still breathing,
And a coat clinging pathetically to a chair says “There was once life here”
Life or half-life, eyes can’t help but notice thousands of jagged papers,
Scattered like a cluster of dimly twinkling stars.
Half-written sentences, gasping about some impregnable Camelot,
Where hennins reach out up to heaven and their wearer
Giggles at chivalric glory.
Verses only half formed. A glance at my dead friend,
And I wonder what unfinished treasures are locked and lost within him.
The room grows stale, although colour still fights for a voice,
In the same way that he took up his pen, under the influence of some
Unbridled angst, and screamed against his betters, from heart to paper.
A potted flower, precariously fading on the window sill,
Looks out to London and the dying August day.
I see him in the petals. This flower, easy enough on the eye, but
With secrets in every root. She saw him grasping at hope,
At happiness, but like some sick joke, only finding despair.
She speaks of muses and misery and I listen,
“My love is dead” she says “Gone to his death bed”
The culprit rolls towards me and I survey it.
Its emptiness only beautifies the glass but its inky label throws me.
I can hardly read it but I know it is the tipple of the truly profound,
Of disillusioned souls. A beast that snarls
“You will never be 21”

— The End —