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So maybe It won't be the same it's okay maybe I'll go insane then I'll never have to feel the pain...It will be such a strain....But my heart won't die in vain...Yes the heart you've slain...The one that appeared so plain...The one that started off so sane...Now my heart feels sprained....It's okay I'll remain....But I refuse to refrain from from crying in the rain...
Just hold me
Hold me tight
And please
Don't let go.
I can see it
In your eyes
The way you love me
Sometimes I can feel it
The way you touch my face
Or just kiss me
So lightly yet full of passion
Sometimes our love
Needs no words
Because with us
It's all about what's in our hearts.
I'm curious
Do you love me
Or who I use to be

I'm curious is it me you wanna marry
Or the shadow of the old me

I'm curious
Are you ashamed
To claim me as yours

I'm curious
Are you here
Just to hurt me

I'm curious
Do I even matter to you
Or am I just dreaming.
There's no point
In asking you
To be mine
Because as much
As you want to
You can't risk it
As much as I want
To beg you
I know you can't say
Okay to the idea
That we need to be
I know as much as
I beg and I plead
And I hope and I pray
I need patience and faith
But the pain is just so strong
And I just want you
But I'm just a dreamer
Whose dreams are
Currently unavailable.
A part of the old me
And this newer me
I don't know the monster who poisoned the well of loyalty

But I do know he deserves a cruel death.
If you won't let
Me die
Can I at least
Grab a knife
Pick up a blade
Use my pin
Metal music isn't
Loud enough
It can only release
Some pain
A cut
Might release more.
You cut off all ties
Like yesterday
Never happened
Uncared for,
Loves but never loved,
Wants but never wanted,
Love filled to the brim,
No one to love,
Left in a circle,
Left in the past,
Remember the pain,
Those who left,
Those who used,
Those who lied,
Those who just didn't give a ****.
I won't dance anymore
Because there is no one there anymore
Who will watch me and smile
With their eyes full of love.
Friendship Turned Into A Crush.

The Crush Caused Flirting.

The Flirting Lead To Love.

The Love Became A Relationship.

The Relationship Ended.

The Ending Caused Hearts To Break.
The Darkness once enveloped me,
The memories of my hardships haunted me,
Oh the memories,
How they made me wince and ache in pain,
Slowly the pain has faded,
Slowly the happy girl I was comes back to life,
The light begins to peak through the dark that had trapped me,
And finally I can see,
True hope,
It exists,
And it's growing in me prospering each second,
One day I believe and I hope,
The darkness will fade completely,
And hopefully the light will shine bright once more.
I remember a time when darkness reigned supreme,
A time when pain was endured,
A time where tears wre strong,
Where nothing seemed right,
Where nothing felt fair,
A time I spent without you,
Has there ever been a time when love didn't turn to hate,
When joy hasn't become pain?
Has there ever been a time where smiles didn't become tears?

Life is surrounded by good things become bad,
Nothing is forever so as the good fades the bad grows,
The darkness overweighing the light,
So many positive thoughts followed by negative ones,
Darkness flows through everyone and is waiting to emerge,
It is there waiting for the light to die so that it may live,
So it may stay strong and live on forever,
Darkness conquers all,
In the end when our bodies die and our souls too that's all we'll be,
Darkness to everyone,
And in that's all we'll see or know complete and utter darkness.
In the beginning
I believed in you
I thought you were kind
Caring and so secure
But to know now that you
Are just like the rest breaks me
You were so inspired by my eyes
And I was lit up by yours
Our laughter once was endless
Now our glares don't even last
You once warmed me heart with your smile
Now I feel as though your mocking me
You began so bright and good
But along the way
Darkness grew in you
And your indivuality
The thing I loved
It dissapeared
And you let the dark fill you
So this is over
The love I had is through
And I swear to only think bad thoughts
About this new you.
I used to be *****
Life use to be so empty and hopeless
I fought a battle with myself each day
I wanted the blade and at times
I would give in
And let another one
Pierce my skin
I was so numb
Darkness surrounded me
I fought my demons
For they followed my every footstep
I wondered if light
If happiness or love would ever enter my life again
And when I had given up hope
Given up on anything good coming into my life
I let you back in
And suddenly
My whole wide world lit up
And my angel
My love
My rescuer had found me again
And I felt complete with him by my side.
Flower me in your embrace,
breath sweet truths in my ear,
take your time dear,
I can wait,
for you I would wait an eternity,
please don't forget me,
your time is nearly up here,
and though I wish you'd stay
you too will walk away,
I too will be forgotten,
but darling let us lavish in now,
let me bathe in your arms,
and never let me forget this feeling,
this glorious feeling of knowing you,
of being yours,
hold on tight darling,
until you must go.
Years all spent in vain,
Your feelings were all lies,
You never did feel the same,
I hope you realize how my heart was slain,
Your broke my heart,
You've caused me pain,
You tore my world apart,
My tears now blend with the rain
With memories of how I loved you from the start,
Now my heart cannot breathe,
It cannot feel,
I was once my smiles you loved to steal,
Now you leave me cold
Similar to your heart as I was told,
All I did was love you,
And all you did washurt me,
One day I hope you see
All that we could've been is all that we still be,
If you'd just take a chance,
Take a chance on our romance.
For a man
Who was imperfect
You were perfect to me
You let it all wither
And here I am
Still reminiscing
You're complete
You're a ****
And I'm so
******* sick
Of backing
Down and
Turning away
I don't care
What you say
I'll say something
Back to you
I'm standing my
**** ground
And I'm not
Backing down
You are a monster
And I'm finally
To fight back.
Don't you dare think I forgot
Just because you did
November 23rd 2009
You asked me to be yours
November 25th 2009
We had out first kiss
November 30th 2009
We made out and then you left me
September 14th 2012
We met to kiss and when we did
You asked me to be yours
October 11th 2012
We made love for the first time
December 11th 2012
You proposed and I said yes

Somewhere between we fell apart
Even if we came back together
We were never quite whole again.
Every day that I will live

Is another day I will love you.
I thought
About our future
With our apartment
And my cat
I thought
About sharing a bed
And how little
I would care
About that dream wedding
Most girls want
Because I'm not most girls
And my love is all I need
To say "I do"
I thought about our past
Making us stronger
And all that we have
To look forward to
I found myself
Tearing up and
Smiling go gleefully
I found myself feeling
You've been gone only a day
And it feels like weeks
I miss you
miss lying in your arms
And the way you kiss my forehead
I miss the feeling of waking up to you
I cannot bare the distance
My heart aches
its trying to fight its way out
my heart is trying to find you
Reach you through the distance
I miss you baby and these words
They've become gibberish
I used to be so good at speaking
When I was sad
But after the gift of you happiness
Became what I was use to.
Now what am I to do
Without any words worth saying
without you.
I just cannot wait
To see those amazing eyes again.
The words from mind have run low
But no need to fret
The love in my heart is completely full.
I don't like this
Life without you
Is unbearable
I miss you
I need you
I wish you were here
To hold me
To make love to me
To just be close to me
Because I love you.

So much.
Today I really miss your scar
And the way I'd run my finger over it

Today I'm realizing just how special
Our love is

Just how wonderful our love story is

Today I really missed you
Because my love told me

That I was suppose to be there

To always hold your hand.
Bad bad poem
Its day four
And I'm so scared

Please wake up.
I miss you

My heart is being torn

And fear has blossomed

But I love you

And that's impossible to change.

So for now

Know that when I say I miss you

I'm actually say

How badly I wish you were here.
I cannot take it

I've spoken to the darkside

I cannot take it

Because I just keep losing

I cannot take it

My heart aches

I cannot take it

As my poor heart is clawing its way out

I cannot take it

This pain grows and when I say unbearable

I cannot take it

Because you don't understand

I cannot take it

But my love tells me to.
Idk what this is just depressed.
And I miss you
Like its been months
Instead of a week.

I miss waking up to
And I miss waking you up

I miss your scar
And the way you kiss my freckle
And the way you kiss me

I miss your hugs
And I miss holding your hand

I miss being stronger because your near

I miss you
My heart misses you.
I'm sorry

I'm sorry I'm not perfect

I'm sorry I argue

I'm sorry I say the wrong things

*But I love you
And love makes you crazy.
I love you
I love everything about you

I love your scar
More than words can say

I love your lips
When they smile
When they laugh
And especially when their kissing mine

I love your hands
I love that their so warm in winter
I love that they're the same size as mine
And yet they look overpowering
I love how they move and touch

I love your neck
And I love that you let me bite it

I love your body
And waking up beside it
I love that it only took two minutes
For you to be deeply asleep

I love your heart
And how you care

I love your mind
Because I love knowing
Your thinking of our future too.

Well baby I think you know I just

Love you.
Some people say that when you die

It's just like you're sleeping forever

I wonder though if you still dream

I hope not

Because I don't want to die

And still dream of you.
Too many years of waking and being "oh". Fml
Talking to you is like knocking on an unanswered door

A doorbell rung and the chime still ringing in your ears

Talking to you
Is like talking to a mountain from the very bottom

Talking to you is like trying to swim to the bottom of Mariana's trench

Talking to you is like trying to talk to the air and waiting for a response

Logic and reason do not matter
To you these are just words

Even if to me these are truths you refuse to hear.
I'm fat

And I must spend my life with that

Don't tell me I can change

A skinny life would be strange

I know it's not easy

Being made fun of and gone after by guys that are ******

I'm fat

And it gets hard to deal with that

I've tried to change and better my life

But the food makes me sick and the junk replaces my knife

I can't help the way I am

But at least my life isn't a sham

So I struggle with security and will power

It doesn't mean I cower

I get by

Without a regretful sigh

Because even though I'm fat

Even though it's tough

I face that fact.
Fill me with your love stories
Help me imagine the love I cannot have

Fill me with your sorrow and heartbreak
So I feel less alone with mine

Fill me with comedy
So I may laugh for the first time in too long

Fill me every word you have
Teach me what it is to love and to care
Teach me what it is to forgive
Let your ink fill my veins
And let me live a better life.
Have any of you figured out how to stop yourself from loving deeply?

I feel it everyday in my bones
And I can't force myself to stop
Loving him is so natural for me.

Have you figured out how to stop crying over a broken heart?

I still feel the aching of his absence and it is unbearable.

Have you figured out how to live without love?

I still can't stop myself to racing to his call. He is the light of my life even if he's a pessimist. He's my pessimist. Except he's not my anything.

Have you figured it out yet?
You're my friend always. But inside I will always ache because you were once more. If this is all I can have I will take it. Having you in my life this way is better than not at all.
Where are you?
I think I might need some company

Are you weird?
I mean especially weird


The silence in the life of a strange recluse.
In another universe we would have been soul mates, and in another we would have been best friends. Now we are neither. Just fading memories and that's okay. But sometimes I need you not to love or make love to but simply to talk to. You knew me more than anyone else. Even on the days you didn't quite love me. Maybe you could tell me what my heart wanted right now because my love life feels like a disaster. It's painful and exciting all at once and for all the wrong reasons. And I wish you were sitting next to me telling me exactly what I want. So I could disagree only to discover you were always right. That's how we worked. Or maybe that's how we fell apart. All I know now is that I don't love you anymore and that's the most liberating feeling I have ever truly known. I was trapped in this vortex of you. The one where I was determined to have you. And the problem is, the man who pulled me out of the vortex is no longer the same man making me happy. He's no longer the one making my heart twinge the way it use to for you all those years ago. But I'm wearing a ring I made engraved with forever. I'm trying to fall in love again. Because I loved him so much I swear. And I wonder if this is how you felt when we ended. When I would come over and crawl into your bed. I wonder if you tried to fall in love with me again the way I hope I fall in love with him again. And I want it known I do love him but I want to be in love. He makes me smile. But sometimes he makes me cry. Sometimes he makes me really hate myself. And I know I can be a sensitive person but I don't think he quite sees how his words break me sometimes. I want to choose him. I do. I want to say that one day too; I do. But here I am with this twinge in my heart that I'm trying to bury or force away. I tried that with you. I did. But I still ended up loving you nine long years. Tell me first love of mine. How do I say goodbye before I've said hello? How can I choose him? Because the love in his eyes remind me so much of the love I had in mine for you once upon a time.
While I can never forget the ecstasy of your body wrapped up in mine, it is not that in which I miss the most. At least, not especially.

More than anything I miss talking to you, words just poured out of me with you. I always told you the truth even if it hurt.

We live these separate worlds now, our love too toxic for this lifetime. But I miss those ears listening to my heart. Always knowing me better than I knew myself.
I'm sorry for not praying enough
And when I say your name in vain

I'm sorry for my sins,
Most humans have them

I just wanted you to know
I love you

And even though I don't feel happy
At least in this moment

Please know I'm grateful for what you have given

And I'm thankful for you every day

For sending him to me when I needed him most

He awoke me

And I believe that was your intention

I hope one day

I can thank you in person.
Dear Heart,
I will **** you,
You have fallen for only fools,
I will strike in silence,
I declare only hatred for the pain you've caused,
How dare you,
You ****** abyss of nothing,
You are the worhtlessness in me,
You are the center of pity inside of me,
With each beat my hate only grows,
Dear heart,
Your death will come,
And it will hurt.
You didn't understand
I loved you
Hell I still do
Not that I'd ever admit it
If I just pretend maybe It'll go away
But I feel it
Everytime you walk into a room
When ever our eyes accidently meet
And each time I hear your voice
I've said good-bye
And I've written it to
But My Heart Still Says Hello.
Dear knife,
It's been three years since I've held you
And felt you on my skin
But please know
I'm still thinking of you
Of the bittersweet feeling
Of holding you
Feeling you slice into me
It's been a long time now
But I still want to pull you out
Of your neatly kempt drawer
And have you just one more time.
Bad day...
You always know just what I need
Even if I cannot understand you
I'm not sure how to tell you this
But from the ages of 4 to 11 you were my hero
Then everything started to change
And you made my self-esteem hit zero
You see I could handle the doctors
And my peers all calling me fat
But my own mother ridiculing me
Putting me on diet after diet
What the hell was that?

You're not the superhero in my stories anymore
But I don't quite think it matters
Because I'm no longer your sidekick
I was replaced by a son who isn't even yours
Momma we use to be friends
Momma I use to trust you
But I can't tell you everything I've been through
Because you would judge me

Momma you're the one person in all the world
Who is suppose to just  love me

Not shame me

So momma

Can you accept who I am?

Will you hear my plea?
Tried something here and it came out all wrong
There's so much I haven't told you out of fear. You've always blamed me so harshly for the little things, how could I ever tell you the big ones. I am always disappointed in myself, so when I get that from you too, it hurts twice as hard. I don't want to keep secrets anymore. Let's start where I can. That neighbor, when I was only thirteen? Whether by your definition or not it was ****, and it began so much heartbreak and destruction. A year later, after you finally let me come home, my depression was bad, I cut all the time, I tried my ankles and thighs so you wouldn't catch me. I was walking home one day, wearing my cheetah girl skirt, and just saying that I feel like I was a child regardless of how I rebelled against it. I was fourteen then when a older man approached me with two street kids a little younger than me. We talked and the kids left, I was an idiot, but in those days I was so lonely, it was nice to have someone to listen. We kissed, and I left, when I walked home another day, he invited to to hang out with him for a little while, I foolishly did, not expecting anything bad, because I see the best in people. Well, he ***** me and took my virginity, I walked home crying, believing I could never tell you because I didn't want to lose you again, I didn't want you to hate me or blame, I did that to myself already. When Joshua came into the picture again I think we both thought everything would be okay again, he was a distraction but not a solution. I loved him very much but he didn't treat me right. He always blamed me too, hated them for what they did, and in small ways he hated me for not fighting, for always freezing up, which is in fact a natural reaction for some girls. Do you remember that couple at my Quince, the ones who wouldn't stop kissing? I went over his house to work on homework with her because she was my best friend. The brothers were there blasting video games. We were in his room working on math when the couple started to try and take off my clothes. I tried to stop them, thinking they were joking at first, but after I screamed they held me down, one on my arms the other the legs, and they ***** me, I only got away when he went to be with her, I was sixteen then. Joshua thought I chose to do it when I told him and blamed me. Joshua and I always had issues, and when he left I thought I was still going to be okay, I didn't need him. I want to say that this isn't because he left, because it's not, it's because I don't have anyone to talk to anymore, and you always say we're friends too. My depression has been coming back for months now, my anxiety has gotten worse and I've been having panic attacks. I hate college, and realized I don't want to be a marine biologist anymore, I don't know what I want besides to be happy. I recently withdrew from all but one class. I use to imagine slicing open my wrists when I tried to go, and I would sit there and cry for hours. The price of school was adding to my stress, I hoped withdrawing from courses would lower the bill but it hasn't and I'm still trying to talk to the university to figure out my options. I have an extension in my last class because of my mental health issues. I've seen a therapist here a couple of times and they think I could have some ptsd in addition to my anxiety and depression. I know at home you don't really see me struggle, but that's because I try to hide it. I've cried in the showers plenty. I still haven't cut myself which has really been a struggle. I was considering transferring to community college or taking a off semester to volunteer, but I'm still not sure. I know I am far from the perfect daughter, but I am your daughter, and I'm trying my best. Still being alive has to count for something right? I don't know how you'll feel about me after reading this but I hope you know no matter what I love you, you've been a great mother and I'm sorry for everything I've put you through, I hope one day you can forgive me.
Not a poem
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