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 Feb 2015 nicole smith
 Feb 2015 nicole smith
" I have a Dream..."
He had a dream.
We have failed him.

No this does not stop at blacks and equal rights and treatment. No it stops when people can put down there guns and find a peace because his dream was not just for  the discrimination  of one people with one color of skin.

There is so much hate that rules this world that the little love we have is only truly spread by those who dont see color AND dont be violent. There is not enough of THAT love.

This country does not hold up to its "creed".
Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. in time wold be my great grandfather and i can tell you today over many generations children are still judged by the color of their skin not their character.

The love in my heart slowly turns to hate as i listen to all the hopes and dreams of the past that have never been accomplished.  

He was not one man changing the world he was one of many and as a leader he has *still *not been heard.

If Mr. King Jr. had a dream for today.
I have a dream for tomorrow.
Ongoing Slam
There were some birds all prancing round,
With tidy foot and fettered thigh,
Upon the grey and dusty ground,
Leaves blew round in wind's fair sigh.

The birds knew nought of deeds of men,
Who crawled through bush with rifle high,
Their thoughts were with the pretty wren,
Who went, the daffodils, right by.
Two short
Two long
Perfectly tangled
Just like our bodies and
Our love!
Star-crossed lovers?
More like clashing meteors.
We were soaring from opposite ends of the galaxy,
And somehow,
Written in the foundations of time before the world was formed,
We were meant to cross paths.

At first it was brutal,
At first it was painful.

Everyone said love is beautiful,
But they forgot to mention that it is broken too.
I love you,
And I love us
 Jan 2015 nicole smith
If missing you was like breathing

Does that mean I'm dead?
 Jan 2015 nicole smith
exhale a blue-grey  
nothing makes me feel this way
light, inhale, repeat
January 20, 2015


— The End —