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 Jun 2018 Gem
Another Boy
 Jun 2018 Gem
I fell for another boy
but he could never be you
it's been two years
and I can't stop my heart
from beating twice as fast
when I hear your name

every morning
I mourn
the loss of your good morning texts
every night
I reminisce
about your voice when you told me
I was all you ever wanted

I let you fool me
play me
hurt me
break me
and somehow still
I can't look at another boy
the way I look at you
 Jan 2018 Gem
It is time to say goodbye,
to who I was,
to you and I.
 Nov 2017 Gem
Self Love
 Nov 2017 Gem
For some I am
Too much
For others
Not enough

But all that matters
Is that for me
I am
the perfect fit
 Sep 2017 Gem
briannah rae
 Sep 2017 Gem
briannah rae
she wore
her clothes
for the sole purpose
of not
being naked.
she didn't care
about looks.
she wore
shapeless baggy jeans
with a shapeless baggy tee
and ***** old sketchers.
and yet she was
the most
beautiful girl
to walk the halls.
her stringy brown hair
curtained her face
and it was clear
of any makeup.
she was so real.
so true.
so confident
in her own skin.
she didn't care
about the opinions
of others.
and oh
were there opinions.
they called her
they called her
a loser.
the called her weird.
and yet
i was so
jealous of her.
of her ability
to dress however.
to never wear makeup.
to never style her hair.
to not even care
what people think.
it seems like
people dress me.
i have to wear
what they like.
i have to wear makeup.
i have to straighten
my naturally curly hair.
i have to wear
a mask.
meanwhile she wore
her clothes
for the sole purpose
of not
being naked.
 Sep 2017 Gem
 Sep 2017 Gem
i fell in love with a boy
who was fragile
like paper

in a way we were paper
i was falling apart
he was
and vulnerable

this boy wasn't much
he was plain
save for a few typewriter smears
under his saddened eyes
and paperclip wings
adorning his back

we painted on each other

i covered him with strokes
of happiness
and a sense of
he was a brush upon me
reminding me of who we were
and what it meant to

he started to fall for me
the girl who was blown over
by a breeze
the girl who
thought eating was a bother
the girl who loved a boy
who was nothing more
than an intangible

then there we were
holding each other up
when the wind came
and took our painted bodies
ripped his paperclip wings from his back
tore our paper selves into shreds

we were blown into the world
strewn and lost

and apart

under tires
that tread terrible teeth
into our tiny pieces

stamped us into cement
and stole us
from what was

and now here we are
in what is

i can't pick myself up
because i don't know where i am
who i am
and where the paper boy i loved
has gone

out here is a world
where fragile love
and caring hearts
cannot bond
without loss
without being forgotten

just like
the paper boy
who smiled when he saw me
and who painted me into meaning

who saw
who was
but now is


 Sep 2017 Gem
good girls
 Sep 2017 Gem
'you're such a good girl'
beep beep beep

unfamiliar breathing, followed by
silence. my naked body is
alone on my bed sheets.
loneliness breaks my own hand and
morals for a way to get
off but i don't. i sit there and
conjure up sweet whisperings
of how i want you. *******,
deep and hard and cold.

if i'm such a good girl, then
tell me. why do i wish my flesh
will melt away like the leaves?
masochistic idiosyncrasies
wrap my vanilla heart up in
a pretty little bow. your fingers
beg to scratch off my humanity;
they have to wait their turn.
This is dark and raw and real and no one will like it
 Sep 2017 Gem
 Sep 2017 Gem
my favorite time of the day is 4am,
or maybe it's my favorite time of the night.

whether I'm just waking up,
or just going to sleep,

the calm darkness and quiet reminds me
that right now it's only me and the moon.

I like to think that she listens.
I talk to her like company.

this is the most cozy time of night,
or maybe the easiest part of the day.

she is the only thing
that always comes back to me.
 Sep 2017 Gem
Brendan Holland
 Sep 2017 Gem
Brendan Holland
I keep drinking myself to oblivion
I get ****** so much medusa would be jealous
I can't stay sober
I was high in love
Now I get high to forget
To erase you from my life
Like you erased me

But you wrote yourself in permanent marker
Across my heart
And i am stained all over
That no bleach can take out

Now, I compare everything to you
 Jul 2017 Gem
 Jul 2017 Gem
Even the most beautiful flower
Needs to be daily showered with water
For it to grow lovelier
Or else it will wither.

Just like our dreams and aspirations,
We need daily inspirations
For us to keep going
Or else our hearts will stop hoping.
Let us make our dreams come true. Gather every bit of inspiration we can get so we can still pursue and fight for what we really long to have. Don't give up, don't lose hope! :)
 Jul 2017 Gem
I used to believe my arms were similar to water and that eventually whoever I wrap them around for comfort would run out of breath. I knew that once they go up for air they would forget to come back for me. It is true I have been drowning for what feels like forever but now I know after years of being under that I am not the water and I never will be. I am not free flowing and my hands are not the ones slipping stones into pockets. I've realized that it is me who has run out of breath  it is me who has steel shoes and over time I have become so desperate for someone to untie the laces that I trust anyone that dives into the water.
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