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 May 2014 Weariness
There is a cumulus cloud
which ascended
thousands of miles high
the blue blue skies
the cloud
rolled in
riding the trade winds
the half cut moon.

As this cloud traveled
along those winds
the stars and blackened sky
every human consciousness
the planet
was combined
the voices and desires
all mankind.

At first
the clamor was too much to bear
was frozen there
my head in the clouds
as the winds
that cloud
across everywhere
silent mind
the celestial songs began to sing
in our hearts
was finally found to begin.
Steve's 150th hippie dream.
 May 2014 Weariness
purple orchid
These eyes of mine
Have seen
Beyond the imaginary lines of being,

A broken heart mend over the written word shared by those whose wisdom has surpassed time,

Beautiful sunsets painted over gray lines by poets who know that you'll never know the true meaning of joy without a little pain paving the way.

I have wandered in the caves of those who dare to etch their souls on paper, and shun their thoughts to wondering eyes,

To give meaning to the lives of many, direction to the gypsey, and a mender for the torn,

Walked more than a mile in shoes of so many to find the quintessence of broken glasses, the epitome of troubled souls, and the essence of being,

Beautiful melodies that soothe the soul through the ears of a deaf man,

The rhythm of a heart in love that sickens the soul, invades the thoughts and leaves every inch of the body longing,

A memory of a love so precious, unforgettable that it's fragrance lingers still from a distant memory,

And when all is lost and plundered,
Your words are like a thread that sews patch after patch across my torn silhouette

It's a pleasure
To have read so many inspiring, beautiful and heartfelt poetry in here.
This goes out to r,Traveler,Kat Rose, Kelly Rose, D. Rose, Pradip C, Nat Lipstadt, Maria, Borrowed, Timothy, mybarefootdrive, Amy, Chalsy Wilder, Shivani (sp), Soul Survivor, Rained on parade, PrttyBird, John Steven, Robert Martin, quinfinn, Liam, Gabriel, Inevitably raised by ducks, TL Sipple, Joe A

And each one of the 180 people who follow me, you're truly inspiring!
 May 2014 Weariness
purple orchid
Am I the girl with treasures in her head yet can't unlock the chest?

Am I the girl who is made up of a compilation of ****** scrap papers that outline every **** scar?

Am I the girl locked up in her room trying to figure out why the world is so cold, why she's all alone and nobody seems to care?

Am I the misfit girl, the one that doesn't stand out, the imperfect one, the one who has to try extra hard?

Am I the girl who is scared to delve into her sub conscious cause she might actually like what she finds?

The girl who enjoys the simple things in life, or the narcissistic ***** that woman assumes I am?

The girl who is a loosely placed coma in somebody's syntax, or the girl with a drunk mind yet sober?

Am I the girl who has the brush on her hand looking at an empty canvas, or the girl who embraces the shadows on the surface?

Am I the girl whose arms and legs are under, but still manages to keep her head above the waves?

Am I the bass guitar in somebody's symphony of life?
Am I somebody's ray of sun?
Am I somebody's trusted friend?
Am I who somebody's looking for?
Am I stoic?
Am I a wilting flower?
Am I a blooming purple orchid?
Am I even the star of my own life?

I am a pending train wreck
I am a beautiful girl
I have a good-crazed out head above my shoulders
I am completely illogical at times
I am a walking bundle of emotions
I am a heart full of games nobody wants to play
I am not perfect

I am me,
 May 2014 Weariness
Would you have
     our stars not shine?
Would you have darkness
      be your shrine?

r ~ 5/5/14
For our school girls in Nigeria, and the world over.
 May 2014 Weariness
purple orchid
Blood shot eyes,
drunk with regrets infused
with cheap beer,
Laughing at our own stupidity
As we fall, stumble
and pick each other up,
only to wobble again
We'll blissfully endure the
and throbbing headaches cause we've been through
much much worse,

Knowing us,
we'll probably end up on
some rooftop at 3 in the
In a drunken haze
counting the stars one by one,
confessing our well-kept
and vomiting all the bile that
life fed us

Sure with heads spinning,
and the blurry vision
accompanied by endless
'little room' visits
we'll say
'Never again',
Only to turn it around with
another round

When misery finds us,
Don't fret
I'll hold the cracked mirror
to your face, you do the same
And we'll find humor in our imperfections
And there, we'll dance to our temporary happiness

When they dare tell us
'You're too young to be empty',
We'll look at them
Look at us
And burst into laughter
I'll be here,
through drunken nights
and sober days,
 May 2014 Weariness
Meenu Syriac
Here I am, at the end of the road
With a darkness raging like a fire, it burns me till I cannot feel.
I cry silent tears, a mix of salt and dreams, as I catch myself from falling,
From the edge of life, from the peak of my fears.

Take away from me, my past and all that holds me
Give me a light I know I can shine forth, one that guides me home.
Cleanse me from this plague in my heart
With a reason to see beyond the chains that bind me.
Find me a home, a promised land, one where You and I can be .
 May 2014 Weariness
Meenu Syriac
At the crack of night, she swallowed her tears,
Been up through the hours, crying her heart out.
But as the shine of the moon casts an eery light,
Through the crevices of a broken house,
Her heart sinks low as the setting sun.

Drawing courage she thought she never had,
Takes a little peek through the curtains to the world outside.
No, nothing has changed, from the grey skies to the unlit streets at war.
The noise, the loud cries, the screams at night,
Somewhere, in this stagnant fear, a life fades into the dark.

She walks on shattered glass, an empty house, soul less, tears encompassed
Somewhere along the way, a few dreams meant to be buried away.
The mocking smiles of misery, beckoning, took all the light that prevailed.
All she remembers, that night, a shadow and closing walls,
She looks out the window, the days marked by  **The Fall.
Something dark, something to be feared, our future is bleak.
First step to solving a problem, is admitting there is one.
Friends talk behind each other's back
The wildfire in my heart can't seem to calm the **** down
I'm losing myself as slow as it seems and as fast as it can be
It really doesn't make any sense when my hands touches your's and it created earthquakes
Thunders and Storms are challenging each other and
I'm drowning in this tsunami of thoughts.
Stand in the shadow of the apple tree
gaze into my chest where my heart use to be.
I hope revenge set thee free,
'cause my soul heads for eternity.
Thanks to this duel between you and me.

Look past the smoke into my eye
I'll be standing on my own two feet when you fall over and die.
Yet thine vengeance was a lie,
'cause you refused to lift your pistol past your thigh.
Thanks to this duel between you and I.
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