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 Apr 2017 Neil C
Luna Marie
There are oceans between you and me,
We are thousands of miles away.
You're very hard to see,
Yet I long for you everyday.

I wait for the day I get to see you,
Face to face we will meet.
Everything: I'm willing to do,
Just to hear your heart beat.
My take on unconventional love...
 Apr 2017 Neil C
A Tango
You will soon realize
that there are more people
willing to use their hands
to undress you
but only a few
would reach out
their hand
to hold yours.

You will see
how many fingers
would want
to touch you
than entwine their fingers
with yours.
 Apr 2017 Neil C
 Apr 2017 Neil C
today you are a storm and I am your world
(what am I in your eyes?
which raw nerve did I rake? which hurt did I expose?)

they’ve scribbled out your silver linings
replaced them with pages of grey

it hasn’t helped

today you are a storm and I am your world

tomorrow you’ll be a ray of sunshine
or a swullocking sky
or a tsunami

I’ll still be your world

and that’s fine
 Apr 2017 Neil C
by definition
my love affair with you
was brief

I tried to extend my passion
but alas
I am older now,
what happens

I can say
it was good for me
there were indeed fireworks

and if given the choice
I would again
despoil the sanctity
of my marriage
to be with you

But these things
come along so rarely now
these blasts from the past

it was so good, I must admit
I drooled then and  even now
the remembrance of the act
leaves me wanting more

but it is not to be
once again
you breezed through town
here for just one month
of torrid, fertive,
cladestine meetings
and then you are gone

leaving nothing behind
except the taste of you
on my quivering lips

oh why!! oh why!!!!
can they not just

....put the MacRib on the standard menu...

I will wait for your next return my love
I will wait......

— The End —