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Neera Kashyap Aug 2017
Troubles spur
more trouble,
more trouble and more.
Sickened, indifference grows
first weak, then strong...
Trouble lurks in wait
like a shrunken
shadow under the noonday sun,
Dazed into disappearance.
Neera Kashyap Jul 2017
Neera Kashyap

rain comes to the hills
after the city desert
just as I enter home:
   light, irregular, drumming –
rain and heart beats flow as one

here in solitude
       Mind follows to sink in rest
in vistas of blue hills
then like a crouching cat… waits
to blot the hills with other thoughts

plump pink clouds nestle
in the blue rain washed ranges
I smile at the hues -
a girl rises from a sparse field
smiles at my pink umbrella

A peach tree in a
luscious orchard never fruits
a forest fire flares –
a singed orchard and the peach
shocked into pale pink flowering

- Summer home is based on the traditional Japanese Tanka structure of of 5/7/5/7/7 syllables per verse
Neera Kashyap Oct 2016
Lady RF
Soul Searching

I searched
the deepest depths
of the vastest oceans,
I searched way up high,
past the clouds,
in the bluest of blue skies,

I searched
deep in the hearts
of nature's greenest forests...
It turns out,
that I was carrying it within me
all along - only now, do I realise.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Neera Kashyap Oct 2016
Emily Burns
inspired maybe
Sometimes I wonder

if I even survived
my childhood.

Maybe some part of me
is sleeping
up on the hill.

One of those
That I couldn't escape
Carried me off
In its jaws

and so maybe
I am planted.
Looking down
At all the people
I can't remember.

I hope that I am ashes.
I never wanted a stone.
Neera Kashyap Jul 2016
She wrote her poems for the winds
If you read the winds you can read them
Sometimes the winds also
bring them to you
as a sort of caress
to the eyes, to the blood
to the heart.
  Jul 2016 Neera Kashyap
Bianca Reyes
I swear ink runs through my veins
A piece of paper passes as my heart
I hold your hand like a pen
Press it against my chest to feel
Every beat leaves a word written upon it
Endless poems and prose
You inspire even when you're gone
Shared  on Hello Poetry on July 14, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah

Wow!!!  Getting the opportunity to have this poem be recognized as a Daily really means so much to me.  Thank you to everyone who has shown some love.   You're all amazing. Love is amazing and more of it should be spread  throughout the world!
Neera Kashyap Jul 2016
The bud said to the flower,
I have the freshness of promise,
dawn in my colors, dew in my folds;
wind, sky, rain as food and play.
I dream of my beauty and fragrance
seeping into the universe
like the love of the wind, sky, rain and sun
like the love of the dew of dawn.

The wild flower blazed redly in the waxing sun,
upright, even as it wilted in the heat
witnessing the sun’s waxing and waning,
bearing the slashing whips of cold and rain,
bearing the wayward claps of wind and storm;
Its beauty and fragrance seeping into the universe unnoticed.
It replied: innocence is of no consequence;
Ripeness is.
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