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1.7k · Mar 2013
Nathan Hicks Mar 2013
One, A solitary number,

So alone, all by itself,

but one day, without notice,

came another one to help,

And when they were together,

just whenever, they were two,

I like to think that I'm one,

and the other one is you,

Our feelings like a plus sign,

With them we add up,

Hope we never get divided,

Even when the math get tough,

No matter the equation,

(Situation) You'll be mine,

and even during Algebra,

I know that we'll be fine,

I used to be so odd,

Until you turned me even,

Now I'm always happy,

and you're the only reason,

I love being with you and friends,

like 3.1415,

He's always such a character,

and always brings us Pi,

I try to be your hero,

and sometimes I break the rules,

like dividing things by zero,

but that just makes us look like fools,

You make my smile rise,

and to you'll ill always run,

No matter how big the *****,

If you call me I will come,

While I was squaring A,

and you were busy squaring B,

We didn't notice C squared,

was the answer, you and me,

Of me you'll always have a part,

with out you I'm a fraction,

No word problems or numbers,

can ever solve this strong attraction,

I hope no other one,

will ever be half of your two,

because the only correct answer,

is if you add up me and you!
753 · Mar 2014
The Freedom of Love
Nathan Hicks Mar 2014
In our world we do not love freely,
Yet are so quick to hate.
We make haste to judge what we do not understand,
Fearing it like it will determine our fate,
Our lives...
And it will, but only in the way that hate begets hate,
And that is what they will sow,
This fear that they cultivate,
But why?
Love is so pure and easy to give,
Yet we reserve it,
We hold it back.
Our society condemns love,
Condemns peace,
We support war,
Support hate,
Support greed,
But why?
Why can two people who love each other not marry?
Because they are the same ***?
Who gave you that burden to carry?
To decide,
Love is not something that you hide away,
Don't act like this affects you.
Preach love,
We all share this earth as one nation,
Put aside our differences,
Better yet embrace them,
For they are the things that make us who we are,
The things that make us great,
We all have similar problems,
You'd be surprised who can relate.
Be positive change.
691 · Mar 2013
Hello my friend.
Nathan Hicks Mar 2013
Hello my friend,

My love, my dear,

How far we've come,

we've made it here,

To this day,

this hour, second,

fighting our fears,

Love as our weapon,

Fight by my side,

I'll fight by yours,

let take this world,

We'll make it ours.
652 · Mar 2013
Be my Fairytale.
Nathan Hicks Mar 2013
If every life's a story book,

Mine used to be so boring,

Had no princesses or dragons,

Only 3 bears and cold porage,

But with a little fairy dust,

My story took a twist,

Now I have a girl who's beauty,

Is a never ending list,

From a peasant to a prince,

Now I'm fighting off her dragons,

Living happy ever since,

In our own small pumpkin wagon,

I love her lots, and that she nose,

it's true it ain't no lie,

But still everyday it grows,

With each day that passes by,

And each day she lifts me up,

Not with her hair but with her smile,

As I save her from her slumber, she's been sleeping for awhile,

And I'll bight every apple first,

To know that it's ok,

So I'll never have to see death,

On her perfect snow white face,

No more scrubbing floors or cleaning,

Now it's only me and you,

Cause I saw you at the ball that night,

And I swear this is your shoe,

So girl if you'll be my princess,

Then I swear I'll be your prince,

And I'll end all of your curses,

With a real true loves kiss,

So let us just live happily,

Through smiles, tears and laughter,

And the rest should fall right into place,

A real life ever after.
588 · Nov 2013
Nathan Hicks Nov 2013
Eyes raining, tears staining shadows into her shirt,
No feeling, revealing the fact that shes been hurt,
This time is worse, there's no reverse,
****, its so much work,
She's trying, still eying that razor in her purse,
This ******* curse,
This time is not the first,
Her blood still feeding the demons locked up inside of her,
The only cure, scratch that a remedy,
A brief relief from the realness that is reality,
She's not normality, not fitting in and no longer feeling proud to be,
Different, now she wants to fit in,
Used to be happy but now she even hates living,
I mean what's with it, why do we even bother,
Being so cruel, what if that was your own daughter,
her confidence they slaughter,
Slipping away, she slips beneath the water,
Never will forgive the people who forgot her.
557 · Mar 2013
The Key
Nathan Hicks Mar 2013
Some people search for their whole lives,

To find those perfect set of eyes,

To look into and realize,

That they are meant to be,

And lay with them in happiness,

Euphoria, true lovers bliss,

And each day saved by their warm lips,

In love so perfectly,

I've found it when I look at you,

My lonely one, now is a two,

There's simply nothing I can do,

Love's wave washed over me,

I love you, and forever more,

You will be what I'm fighting for,

Till I'm knocking on heavens door,

While you still hold the key.
547 · Mar 2013
Willing and Able.
Nathan Hicks Mar 2013
People perfect the act of procreation,

Consensual sensations, such sensual sin,

See any old man can lead an army,

Yet the hardest of hearts is required to win,

So when the the time withers, relentless and real,

And carelessly you toss all your cards on the table,

Only you, yourself, can conquer your demons,

If you are as willing as I know you are able.
545 · Mar 2013
All we need is music.
Nathan Hicks Mar 2013
Life is such a funny thing,

See, we search our whole lives for happiness,

but the feeling I get, listening to someone sing?

Man, its indescribable, its simply the best.

The gentle sound of an acoustic guitar,

being carefully and skillfully strummed,

It just makes you lose sense of where you are,

and to the music you are helplessly succumbed.

The rhythmic flow of beating drums,

The distant cousin of the metronome,

Very stringent on keeping time, always was,

Straying only shortly before returning home.

Black and white don't seem so melodic,

I know, to say the least their just shades of course,

but large stands the piano, laid keys upon it,

and even larger than that, pertains its voice.

Beneath it all sneaks such a sound,

A rumbling beast who shakes the room,

The rope in which such art is bound,

The bass explodes, the speakers boom.

So simple is are these instruments,

The tools that build our minds creations,

Made with basic implements,

yet they harness our great imaginations.

Now, Everyday we search and search,

For happiness and money and then we use it,

We search for things beyond us, we go to church,

When all we really need, is music.
500 · Mar 2013
Slowly we drown.
Nathan Hicks Mar 2013
Her head on my chest and my face in her hair,

And as she glances up I'm reluctant to stare,

Our eyes slowly meet and then lock into place,

But my eyes start to wander and study her face,

Shallow her breathing and fast beats her heart,

Life is so simple her here in my arms,

Tomorrow's so far so let's just enjoy now,

In the deep sea of blankets, slowly we drown.
444 · Nov 2013
Nathan Hicks Nov 2013
Run head first into the darkness,
Empty of regret, fall deep into it,
Deep in to all that you will be,
What you have been all along.
Immerse yourself into happiness,
Admit all you must admit,
And soon, so soon, you will see,
Sadness does not control you, they were wrong.
Your heart always beating on endless,
Endless nights, you still hear it,
As you lay awake admits your demons,
Those nights that felt so long.
With the trials that mark you with their bittersweet kiss,
Weigh you down, ****,
Why can't you be free?
Though freedom is your choice, you were free all along.
406 · Mar 2013
Nathan Hicks Mar 2013
I've finally found it,
What's 'it' you say?
It's just this girl,
I met one day.
We talked a bit,
And hit some bumps,
But in the end?
We fell in love.

— The End —