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 May 2014 Natalie Suss
I would give my left hand
If I could touch your cheek with my right
Only for a moment
my heart is
an open field
of jagged rocks
and pits covered
in dry grass.

my heart is
a dense forest
to the south
and a river bank
to the east

my heart is
a landscape
alive with feral
animals and
gentle beasts.

my heart
pumps like a
purple sunset
in a hellish
Phoenix sky.

 May 2014 Natalie Suss
y i k e s
 May 2014 Natalie Suss
y i k e s
       what a lovely day
                    to float  away from here
 May 2014 Natalie Suss
things aren't going so well these days and writing no longer comes easy but i picked up a pen and paper last night and i wrote about you
Ask people what animal they would be
if they could be anything

more often than not they'd prefer to be some type of bird, which I heard is a sign that they feel trapped in their life and are in need of some sort of freedom

I understand it

but still find it strange in a way
with us being at the top of the chain and all
how much more capable we are of being free
and are even spared the absurd beaks

but birds can fly anywhere
and do what they actually want

I wonder who has been telling these people that they can’t

I don't know
I said I wanted to be a bear
what does that say about me?
I know I should have
called you back
for some reason

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