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I can not be sad
Even with all I have seen
                                                                  It was a pleasure then
                                                                         as we drift down onto the grass
JUst you and me
                            but my paranoid mind asked                   what was it you have seen
What are you to me                                                                           dreams of me.
The waves slowly lap the shore
like a hand reaching for something distant

You sit wishing there was more
but the waters rhythm seems persistent

Examining cracks that the waves have worn
your mind is made up, but your heart remains torn
I could
Talk about nature
Or give you my opinion on a subject
I could describe the
Unmistakable beauty
Of everything that is and ever was
Before us
I could touch your heart
With the tip of my pen
I could arrange words from my
Internal thesaurus
on this very page
That could move you
And change the way you see the world
Or even yourself!
I could
I’m tired
Maybe tomorrow
 Dec 2013 Natalie Suss
g clair
what can I say that has not yet been said
and where can I go that my heart hasn't led
when faced with the truth, let it go to my head
it hurts, but at least it's an answer
and where is the one that I've wanted to date
yesterday's leftovers still on my plate
coming to grips with the fact that he's late
and he's probably out with that dancer

Oh he may come and he might go
and I can't follow, I'm too slow
but I can sing a song I know, it's called my soul needs patching
you can sing along with me, the humming bird and buzzing bee
for all we know you're just like me, two souls whose hearts needs patching.

Tell me, when will I have what that other girl's got
love for a lifetime, guess this is my lot
I've scared off a few with the end to this plot
how those mystery dates made me shiver
and who is this person that I have become
sometimes just lazy, and snapping my gum,
I've tried to play smarter, perhaps I'm just dumb
but I'm all that I've got to deliver

Oh they may come and they may go
but I can't follow, I'm too slow
still I can sing a song I know,  it's called my soul needs patching
and you can sing along with me, the humming bird and buzzing bee
for all we know you're just like me, two souls whose hearts needs patching.

how can I slow what is driving me on
roll down the window, I'm more like a song
Set on the breeze that the wind blows along
with the fragrance of long summer days
So why all the longing when now is enough
precious and sweet are your words off the cuff
i'm happy to have you to read all this stuff
while the worlds smallest violin plays

Oh they may come and they may go
and I can't follow, I'm too slow
but I can sing a song I know it's called my soul needs patching
and you can sing along with me, the humming bird and buzzing bee
for all we know you're just like me, two souls whose hearts needs patching
 Dec 2013 Natalie Suss
A stranger,
I thought I had met before,
when we had  just crossed paths,
or made love on the same floor?
For I wasn't very sure,
about the dress, that day I wore,
or if we had rushed through those doors.

Same stranger,
sets his golden eyes on my face,
or was his gaze sliding lower, bit lower.
I could tell, this was that place,
for how his fingers trialed,
where his stare had been laid,
I thought this moment would fade.

Stranger's eyes,
telling me to close my eyes,
for his cold fingers knew the way,
to the growing sinful skies.
Not anymore, I could hear or see,
for the stranger had hypnotized me,
I had read his eyes when only,
he could see me.
 Dec 2013 Natalie Suss
Aja Bird
30 days
Of memorizing your name
And the way you speak mine
So subtly
At the start
Or end
Of everything
To make sure I hear you
And know that it's me you're set on
30 days
Of memorizing the way
You step
And sway
As we walk for hours
And talk for hours
About everything and nothing at all
30 days
Of memorizing your scent
And breathing in your laugh
I don't hate a single thing about it
30 days
Of telling you not to change
Because I admire your kindness
And adore your smile
And getting to watch your eyes as they glaze over because of Christmas lights
30 days
Of being next to you
And fewer days
Of kissing you
And watching your body
As it is with my body
And knowing that this is
Like the night time
Where you are mine
Where your exhausted face
Is still amazing
After 30 days
I've memorized the way
We say goodbye
A million times each day
 Dec 2013 Natalie Suss
“You were you,
and I was I;
we were two
before our time.

I was yours
before I knew,
and you have always
been mine too.”

*This poem is not my own, it was written by Lang Leav. You can find it at the beginning of her book:  Love & Misadventure. I thought it was just too cute and pretty not to post
Things were better with you
But better without you
I let my love seep through and through
Until I didn't know what else to do
But run and hide
From all of the things inside
I left you stranded
With my heart in your hand
Where I will never get you or it back
In forever land

You ran through me like electricity
To find that somebody loved me
What a weird word to say
What an awful game to play
Love is not a battlefield
It's outer space
Scary and unknown
An idea we love to chase

Tell me you've found a love
but still have my heart
stashed away somewhere
probably torn apart
She rescued you from forever land
And gave you hope to breathe
The air filled your lungs
And left my heart to seethe

So I suppose things were better with you

this isn't finished.....but.,....any creative  juices i have left are gone..
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