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Jun 2018 · 1.5k
You Don't Own Me
Tameka Poole Jun 2018
You can’t hold me against my will
And then tell me
What pain I am allowed to feel
And how I am allowed to deal with it

You do not have the right
To restrain me from what is mine
And then have the nerve to ask
Why I am fighting so hard

You are not allowed
To tell me that I am equal
While paying me less and sexualising my body
Yet you do it anyway

It is not right
To be told that I am sensitive
When all you do is scream in my ear
All the reasons that I am lessor

I live in a society
Where I am too intense to be held
I am too strong, too bright
But I am shunned for my light

Because I’m surrounded by men
Who refuse to believe
That a woman could possibly be
More than they ever could

You don't own me
I belong to myself
So why are you acting
As though I am yours to control
Jun 2018 · 693
Your Mind is a Garden
Tameka Poole Jun 2018
Your mind is a garden
A beautiful safe haven
Filled with lots of flowers
Surrounding a young maiden

They stretched their arms nice and high
Reached towards the sun
They thought it was just another day
As you slowly raised your gun

However this time your weapon was different
Though very much the same
It had a leaking barrel
Poison was its name

No longer did it bring kindness
A soft misty rain
Instead it held hatred
That could only bring them pain

You wondered why they looked away
Refused to meet your eye
As you poured the rain over them
The poison that helped them die

The seeds of which you planted
All tilted towards the ground
They let out quiet whimpers
As you left them there to drown

You asked them why their colours
No longer shone so bright
They whispered with their choked words
You didn’t treat us right

They had the potential to be flowers
In your hands were the seeds
You could never change them
So instead you raised them as weeds

No longer were they pure
Did their blossoms sing with joy
Inside they held your evil
You had exposed them to your ploy

Your mind is a garden
A poisoned one we mourn
Filled with lots of grief
A variety of thorns

— The End —